"I'm not going to talk. I just want to see whether you'll truly strangle me to death!"

"Then, I'll show you whether I'll truly strangle you to death!" Selena exerted even more force.

Never had Megan expected her to have such great strength, nor had she ever thought that she'd truly strangle her.

Upon seeing that Megan was flushed red and was almost out of breath, Meredith screamed, "Help! Someone's committing murder!"

This tactic was truly effective, attracting an even bigger crowd. Many ran over to watch the show though they had no inkling of what had happened between the two women, merely aware that one had her hands wrapped around the other's neck, looking as though she intended to strangle her to death.

Selena naturally wasn't planning on strangling Megan to death for real; she was keeping a tight rein on the force of her hands. Noticing that Megan was almost out of breath, she was just about to loosen her hands when someone from among the crowd tripped her. Stumbling, she pitched forward. Likewise, Megan, whose neck was held in her hands, naturally lost her footing as well.

handrail at the side, and she also automatically reached out to grab Megan, but it was too late. Megan tumbled right down the escalator,

did the onlookers snap back to

immediately went against the crowd and scooped her up. Then, she glanced in Megan's direction anxiously. The escalator is so high that I really don't know what will happen to her now that she took a

Juniper in her arms, she stood outside the emergency room. "Juniper, tell me where you went earlier.

Later, that person said that I was mistaken for someone else and

heaved a sigh. Could it be that it was a mere coincidence that I bumped into them today and misunderstood the situation? But it doesn't feel right. The person who tripped me seemed to have done so deliberately. However, the person nearest to me at that time was Meredith. She couldn't have been the one who tripped me, right? She must have been aware that Megan couldn't possibly have escaped without a scratch if I were to stumble. No matter what, she won't hurt

took Juniper away. Meanwhile, Selena

walked out, Meredith hastily sprang to her feet

multiple fractures, and she also took a severe blow to the head. She's out of the woods now, but she needs to be kept under observation in the ICU. Also,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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