As Selena walked into the parking lot, she was thinking about this matter when something suddenly hit her head. A dull pain lanced through her, upon which she touched her head, only to feel something sticky. When she looked at her hand again, it was bright red. She then whirled around to see a boy in jeans snickering at her. "You're a murderer! I hate rich people like you most! What's so great about having money?" the boy roared indignantly.

"Do you know the truth of the matter? If you don't, just shut up!" Enduring the pain, Selena headed toward her car.

Unexpectedly, the boy abruptly shouted, "The murderer is here! Selena Yard is here!"

With his holler, a group of people appeared out of nowhere, swarming Selena and surrounding her. The elderly woman in the lead was the most termagant among them all, her finger almost jabbing her eyes. "You're such a cold-hearted woman! How could there be such a ruthless woman like you in this world? No matter what, you share the same father, yet you're so cruel to kill an unborn baby! Where's your conscience?"

The old woman was rather up in years, so Selena couldn't quite make a move against her. However, she merely defended herself instinctively, and the old woman fell to the ground. "Ah, she hit me! She wants to kill me!"

herself fine in the beginning, she was soon overwhelmed by the crowd. She felt someone yanking on her hair as though they wanted to tear her scalp out,

to Selena, he swung his windbreaker out, causing

savior who'd saved her world, and Selena could no longer hear anything else. Lifting her head, she stared at Pierre. Although his brows were furrowed, he

the car and back to the hotel in which she was staying. The moment they arrived back at the room, he took out a first-aid

trance. The moment he rushed into the crowd to protect her, she felt as though he was Prince Charming riding a horse

on her body that were obviously caused by a woman's long nails, but those were merely superficial wounds. The most severe injury was the gash on her head though it wasn't bleeding anymore. Looking at the wound, Pierre frowned. "This wound needs to be

Fowler Family's property and I hadn't given orders to keep her presence here under wraps, this place would probably have long since been thronged by the masses. All at once, he picked up his cell phone and made a call. "Come over and do

him. "I've fallen in love with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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