Finding it a little odd, she got closer to the room slowly. Even though there was really nobody there, she could smell something. It was the smell of people!

More specifically, it was the smell of dead people.

Whisking out her torchlight, she began looking for the source of the smell, and she finally saw the tiny figure on the floor.

Rooted to the spot, Selena felt the hairs on her body standing upright. That's definitely not Jamie. It can't be him!

She didn't have the courage to walk over. No, she really couldn't bring herself to. So there she stood, on the same spot for a very long time, as though her feet were nailed to the ground and unable to move. Even though she tried her best to remain calm and control herself, she still felt her blood flowing backward and a shiver down her spine when she looked at that tiny figure.

No, that's definitely not Jamie, even if he's wearing the exact same clothes and still wearing the blue cap he swapped with Jojo.

as the

leave, but she knew that she shouldn't deceive herself and pretend that she didn't see anything; she had to make sure if that figure was really Jameson. Earlier, the infrared monitor had shown that there was no one in here, so this had to be

mustered enough courage to walk toward the tiny

is only a decoy used by the kidnapper. Yes, that must be it. Jamie is still

trembling. Gritting

then, the room suddenly lit up, and many people rushed in-with

at his sudden appearance, Selena stumbled to the floor at a

whose face was disfigured; nobody could

saying it to John or herself as consolation. "Bring this body back for a DNA test, and also her!" John ordered and left briskly, praying in silence that this wasn't

because her actions were too suspicious and John had no other options but to do it this way. However, she had yet to recover from the shock of discovering the body, and she kept thinking the whole time

didn't dare to go to bed by herself and could only stay by his side the whole time. Every now and then, she would check on him if he needed a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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