Selena fell into silence, as she already knew what Pierre's reply was. They were not meant to be after all. "I get what you mean. However, I still won't come with you. I have yet to find Juniper's biological father, so Hades' bone marrow is the best possible match that I can find for the time being. If I leave, he won't donate his bone marrow to Juniper."

Upon hearing that, Pierre pulled her closer to him abruptly. He ended up holding her so tight that she was suffocating. "What are you planning to do? Will you marry him?" He sounded a little savage. Seeing his reaction only amused her. If he didn't know Hades fancied me, he might not have risked his life to come fetch me. What an extremely jealous person. "Yeah, I'll have no choice but to marry him if worse comes to worst. Since he already proposed to me, I'll marry him after my injuries heal."

"How dare you!" With one hand around her neck, he threatened, "I'll strangle you to death right here, right now if you dare!"

"Do it, then!"

While staring at her, Pierre realized she wouldn't yield. Despite the mutual understanding that she was most probably joking, there was no guarantee that she wouldn't marry Hades for Juniper's sake. "You're threatening me!" Pierre quickly realized unhappily.

actively subject yourself to

me more time."


her in the lion's den for the time

exhaustion might be due to the fact that she was still healing from her injuries. He spent some time loitering around before going downstairs, only to see Hades having breakfast in the dining room. "I apologize for waking up late. I had a tiring night." As if he were

a mirthless chuckle. "Judging from that, you

better than a

hand in their skirmish. After that, when Pierre reached out to get himself

never knew you're so petty. But I suppose it's not a big deal since you do need to eat more to build

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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