"Megan, can't you stay out of trouble just for once? Why won't you obey the rules even in jail? Two years will pass in a flash! I don't have time to pick up your pieces behind you if you're going to keep causing trouble!" Meredith was already panicking after Pierre began doubting her, so her tone was rather unkind after catching wind of Megan's shenanigans.

However, Megan maintained a look of grief. "Meredith, you have to get me out of here! Didn't you promise to come up with a solution? Do you have one now? I really can't stay here any longer! Please, I'm begging you to get me out of here!" She could no longer tolerate the torture from the other inmates. I can't take this anymore!

"I can't even take care of myself now, so I don't have time for your bullsh*t! Besides, you brought this upon yourself by making a foolish attempt on Selena's life when you don't have what it takes to kill her! I wouldn't have to deal with so much trouble now had you succeeded in killing her!"

vicious look on Meredith's face, Megan was utterly baffled. I'm her sister! I have always been obedient to her! I did whatever she told me to do, and

while you're in there. Don't reach out to me unless you have a valid reason, because I also have


who noticed that Meredith hadn't even inquired about the injury on her face. Instead, Meredith lambasted her for putting herself in that situation. Megan felt disheartened. She knew that Meredith wouldn't rescue her. After all, Meredith had been selfish ever since they were young, as she only ever thought of herself. Now

Meanwhile, in Springvale.

Juniper was in good condition, while the doctor was still insisting that Selena should either find Juniper's biological

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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