Selena placed her name card on the table. "Here's my contact. I would like to start a noodle store in this area, and you guys can come over to help out if you're interested. I've never started a business in the food industry, and I don't know much about it, so I would really appreciate your help."

The owner and his wife exchanged puzzled glances. They could tell that Selena and Pierre weren't like the regular customers they had, but they hadn't expected them to be such powerful people. They make starting a noodle restaurant sound as simple as cracking a joke!

"Don't worry; we aren't conmen. We're just here to register for our marriage at the bureau." Selena slipped her arm into Pierre's and walked away after she finished her sentence.

On their way to the Civil Affairs Bureau, the skies began to pour. They couldn't find shelter anywhere along the alleys, so they both got themselves soaked in rainwater. "Are you really planning to start a noodle restaurant here?" Pierre asked.

"Yeah. Did you think I was kidding?" She looked at him earnestly. "I want all of the couples who come over to get married to have a place where they can eat noodles on their big day. I've even thought of a name for the restaurant! I'm going to call it Everlasting Noodle House." The old-fashioned name sounded almost ancient to Pierre.

the lips. "Let's have a

into her

picture to be used for their certificate. They then filled in a couple

it. "This doesn't look like much, does it? Pierre, shouldn't your marriage certificate be a little more..." She narrowed her eyes as her sentence came to a halt. I had to go through inspections and body checkups just to get married to a man like him; shouldn't his marriage certificate be

should I even bother to conceal my identity if I'm going to own a marriage certificate that is different from the regular person's?"

of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Selena swiftly snatched Pierre's marriage certificate away from him before she rushed to the public trash cans. In the blink of an eye, she had thrown his marriage certificate into

know that we'll be required to present our

was dumbfounded. "What should we do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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