"Oh, I was thinking of meeting with you. I can schedule a checkup for her in the next few days. If she passes the checkup in all indicators, she can be discharged. After that, she still needs to take the immunosuppressants over a period. As you know, she underwent a major surgery, so she might need a longer time to fully recover."

She nodded at him. "I got it."

"For the time being, don't make her attend preschool until she has fully recovered. What do you think?"

"How about Jojo?"

"He's fine. We will need to focus on nursing him back to health. I suggest that you don't send the kids to preschool and have them rest at home. Although kids usually bounce back fairly quickly, in this case, they need more time because they have undergone a major surgery. Health comes before anything else."

"Sure, I will take note of that."

room, where the three children were sleeping soundly. She went up to tuck them under the blanket, only to find Joaquin wide awake. She smiled quietly with her

mind," he replied to her in

shook her head defeatedly. This little fella sure has a pair of sharp eyes. Nothing ever escapes his observation! "I do have something on my mind, but that's okay. I will slowly learn to

him into a hug, wrapping him with the blanket. "Sure. But I

you unhappy?" He put on a solemn face, sounding

to start since she only knew that she was feeling very conflicted. Although Pierre had protected her in front

signed the consent form for a full autopsy on John as his daughter-in-law and a suspect of his homicide. Those were some


question, she pressed her cheek against the top of his head lovingly. "What's going on

her with expectant eyes, waiting

relatives are complaining about it too. Because of this, Daddy is caught in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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