Jude slowly approached Satan while her heart fluttered nervously like crazy. "Please drink some water, Satan."

When Satan heard that familiar voice, he couldn't believe his ears. Is that... her? He quickly looked up and shifted his eyes to Jude, who came closer and crouched down beside him. With a bright smile on her face, she said, "I'm back, Satan. Please drink some water, would you? Your lips are cracked, and you need water." At the same time, she brought the glass of water closer to Satan's dry lips.

While both of them exchanged glances silently without blinking, Jude painfully met his eyes, seemingly able to feel the torment he had been going through. I used to be able to see through him even though he was a cold-blooded man, but I can't seem to read him anymore now... His eyes look like those of a dead man, emotionless and lifeless.

"What're you doing here? Have you come to gloat?" Satan sneered, even though he wasn't sure whether he was doing that to Jude or himself.

Jude curled her lips upward and answered, "I'm here to keep you company! Adversity is the best test of character, and tough times like now are exactly what will show my genuine sincerity. See? I'm smart, huh?"

Meanwhile, Satan only stared at Jude silently without saying a single word.

"I must say that I used to be pretty scared of you, but now, I don't have to be afraid anymore; all I have to do is just bounce away, and you can't catch me." Jude mischievously winked at Satan. "It seems to me that this is off to a good start. At least I'll be the one who calls the shots from now on. If I want to enjoy a beautiful sea view, I could just wheel you to the beach; if I want to go hiking, I could take you along with me too-wait a minute! Wheeling you up some steep hill isn't going to be easy, so maybe staying home is a much better alternative. After all, I can make you watch some romantic dramas that you hate with me and see how you get annoyed by them. Haha! This is going to be fun!"

seen with an apathetic look despite Jude's passionate

and wheeled my luggage all the way here, and I don't think I deserve a silent treatment for the hassle I just went through. Say something! Didn't you miss me? Look, I even picked

Satan's voice coming from above her head. "Do

throughout the space intimidatingly.

replied, "Well, you're probably going to make the same mistake for

work twice." Satan then activated the controller on his armrest and steered

Nevertheless, Jude immediately

care what you think


Thus, you must honor your obligation to look after me, or you will be punished by your

Jude's gaze. "Wyatt will want

expect that Satan would mention Wyatt's name,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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