"Spill it out!" Selena knew early on that it was a trap. After all, Linda spent so much effort to prepare as well as lure Pierre and her in, so of course she wouldn't be letting go of the bracelet so easily. Therefore, Selena knew the whole thing was an ambush. Sure enough, she noticed upon entering the room that the fragrance of the incense smelled odd, prompting her to take precautions.

"The bracelet is at " All of a sudden, Scott felt that his chest was constricting, which caused him to gasp for air while seemingly in much agony.

"Where is it? Tell me!" Selena was getting impatient. "I'll pull the trigger if you don't speak!"

However, Scott didn't seem to care as he clutched his neck as if being suffocated. Then, he began scratching and scraping at it, leaving on it red scratch marks.

Selena noticed that something was wrong, but she dared not let her guard down, as she wasn't sure if he was indeed the one who lured Pierre and her in. "Hey, don't play games with me! I will put a bullet through you! Do you hear me?"

her orders had fallen on deaf ears as all Scott did was gasp for air while scratching at his neck. By


a kick, but he remained still. It wasn't until then that she crouched down to put a finger below

die on me! Where's my bracelet? Tell me where it is!" She patted his face

dealing with Bradley, who was sitting on a couch in a hotel while wearing a humble smile on his face. After all, he had a favor to ask Pierre. "Mr. Fowler, I know my daughter did you wrong, so please accept my apology on her behalf to you and your wife. She's young and ignorant, so please show leniency. Please forgive her for what she had done." Although Bradley was smiling, his

have to say that. Your daughter is neither young nor ignorant. In fact, she is anything but that, considering

She bribed the shopkeeper in my wife's bridal shop to prepare an identical gown, which proved just how much of a visionary she is. I admire her, and I think you're fortunate to have

Pierre said had Bradley looking discomposed. Although it was apparent that Pierre was mocking him, he couldn't actually bite back. "Mr. Fowler, judging from your tone, should I assume that you're still angry at

trip to Yucaria was eye-opening. It's all thanks to you and your daughter! We sure learned a lot from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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