The boss lady had a conflicted look on her face. "Young lady, who is seeking treatment? Is it an elderly person? Doctor Werner dislikes treating elderly people. He considers them to have lived long enough, so he doesn't want to waste time on them."

In a hurry, Selena explained her own condition to the boss lady. The boss lady chuckled. "For your case, he would be even less inclined to treat you. A few years back, sterile couples would visit him, and most of them ended up succeeding in conceiving. However, he no longer takes on such cases during recent years. Besides, why do you still want to conceive when you already have three children? To him, this is even more of a waste of time."

Selena was a little disappointed after listening to that, as she really wanted another child.

"Young lady, just listen to my advice. You already have three children, and have suffered enough throughout your pregnancy, so forget about it." The boss lady gave her a pat on the hand.

Selena hung her head low. While others might not be able to understand her wish to conceive again, she just felt like doing so. She wanted to replace her memories of her first pregnancy, as well as give birth to a child who was born out of love and whose birth was looked forward to. She wanted Pierre and the kids to experience the creation of life, as well as the process of a baby growing up within her. She just really wanted to give birth to another baby.

Upon noticing that Selena seemed disheartened while hanging her head low, the boss lady heaved a sigh. "I guess you just like children that much. Women sure are the same in the sense that they never learn their lessons. When they are pregnant with the first child, most of them would think that they won't go through the process again even if it would cost them their lives. However, they would happily go through that same process again in a few years."

was amused by the boss

it a try if you're not willing to give up. Starting from the house tomorrow, go around the mountain until you reach the south-eastern part of

I haven't done anything. Moreover, I have to remind you not to hold out too much hope, as it is very unlikely that he will

"Thank you, madam."

that point, Selena had lost

she asked, "Madam, will the doctor treat children? To be honest, I'm not

her some medicine that would help nurse her health. After all, she's still young, so I hope that she

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have better chances of getting treatment from him, as he likes kids. The patients he took on recently have all been children. If you're seeking treatment for your children, you should

your condition too."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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