"We'll make a move now, Mr. Murray. See you around," Selena said politely.

Jason hastily responded to her before she left. "I haven't managed to visit you since I arrived in Astoria. When will you and Mr. Fowler be free?"

Pierre looked like he was about to say something, but Selena hastily interrupted him with her words. "You can come anytime you're free, Mr. Murray." Then, she slipped her hand into Pierre's. "We'll be leaving now. Our doors are open for you whenever you wish to visit us," Selena uttered before she dragged Pierre away. On the other hand, Jason zoned out for a moment as he watched Selena's figure disappearing into the distance.

Pierre raised his voice the moment they got into the car. "Since when did he arrive in Astoria? Based on the conversation I heard earlier, it sounds like you guys have already met each other, huh?"

Selena flashed him an awkward smile. "He's no big deal, anyway. I didn't think it was necessary to tell you about it after I met him."

"You're getting way too bold nowadays, Selena!" he growled as he started the engine.

"I'm not! It was just a coincidence that I bumped into him. How would I have known that he was in Astoria?" She was just as surprised by the situation. What are the chances of me crossing paths with Jason multiple times?

"A coincidence? I bet he did it on purpose. He just gave you some excuse about his aunt being buried here. He must have stalked you and found your schedule. He's only here because he was following you around intentionally!" Pierre didn't believe in coincidences, fate, or anything like that! He was sure that it was all arranged!

way..." Selena couldn't bring herself to picture Jason as a stalker. He's so elegant and charming. How could he be that sort

not? How else can you explain the fact that you just bumped into him at

her head puzzledly.


The Murray Family

& net

Jerry's generation moved there. How could Jason have aunt who's still buried over here? In that case, Pierre's suspicions might be true. Did Jason intentionally create a chance for us

you agreed when he asked to visit us! Are you actually planning to let him into our house?"

finished her words. If Pierre's suspicions are right, then it's highly possible

about shifting graves, he then returned to the villa where the rest of the Murrays were staying. He was the one who purchased the place and he had arranged for the

decorations set up


tastes and preferences.

to the house, the family had already forgotten the sorrows of their grave visit that morning. They were all chatting and hanging around in the living hall.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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