When Linda saw Selena walking in her way, she quickly hid herself, but Selena merely continued walking forward carrying her handbag with a vague, uncomfortable feeling that someone was spying on her. After Selena left, Linda went to look for Lindsay. The sales attendant had already packed all the clothes she bought, and there were so many clothes that they had to be laid out on the floor. In the end, Lindsay had to ask the servants to bring them all to the car.

"What happened, Grandma?" Linda asked.

When she learned about what happened, she had no words and thought that Lindsay was a little silly. As she looked around at the store, she realized that Selena's plan was successful since she was able to have her store opened in this mall. This brand of hers had sprang up all of a sudden. She recalled that this brand was still in its initial phase when she left, and it wasn't even placed in the market yet. Selena's net worth must have grown because of this brand as well, she thought. This world is really unfair.

Along the way as she helped Lindsay home, Lindsay seemed to have lost regard for all of her demeanor and started to curse.

Back home, she plopped herself on the couch and started grumbling furiously again while holding on to her walking stick. "Find out this woman's background for me. To suffer this amount of grievance at this age, I just can't take this lying down!"

Hurriedly, Linda tried to comfort her. "Just forget it, Grandma. I know that you wanted to teach her a lesson for me, but we can't offend Selena here. Let's drop the issue. We'll be leaving after spending the Spring Festival here, and won't be seeing her anymore after this anyway."

Jason heard the mention of Selena's name, he rushed over and asked, "Grandma, Linda, what happened?" While

be a misunderstanding, Grandma? As far as I know, Miss Yard isn't that kind of person,"

of few words, but he actually came running forward when he heard Selena's name. "What do you know? She's walking all over your cousin's head. Shouldn't you be standing up for her instead?" Lindsay told him off

Linda thought

idea that maybe she could use this to her advantage. "Grandma, don't be mad anymore. You must be tired after

her stomach, Lindsay replied, "I am a little

she could eat

own room, Jason stopped her

I used to work in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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