"I know, Chloe."

"You do?" The servant, Chloe shot her a look of surprise.

"Yeah. Grandma told me that night back in her room. I sent someone to search for the bracelet. Don't worry about it."

At that, Chloe smiled. "That's great. I bet Mrs. Murray's going to be happy if you can get the bracelet back."

Then, Linda handed her a lipstick. "I brought this from Astoria. It's brand new. Here, you can have it."

Chloe hurriedly waved her hands. "Oh no, miss. I can't take your stuff. And this looks expensive."

Linda shoved it to her anyway. "Just take it. You've been taking good care of Grandma, and you're one of the few people who're around my age here. I get lonely sometimes, so I need someone to chat with." When Chloe heard that, she beamed proudly. Everyone wanted to get closer to Linda, since Jerry and Lindsay loved her a lot. Working with her is the right choice. "Thank you, miss."

bracelet's matter a secret. I

dream was to be praised by their master. If she managed to get a supporter from the Murrays, she would have a bright future

was replaced by a cruel expression. Selena's going to throw a wrench in my

she was going out, but she went to a salon instead. It was a luxurious one. She needed to care for her

cosmetic surgery, so she came to the

risorius is losing


managed to look slightly е like Selena after the cosmetic surgery. The Murrays were fooled after she spun a fake backstory, but if she lost

it going to

three injections. One injection is going to cost 38,888. There's a discount if you're taking it in full. It'll

Linda frowned. Eighty thousand

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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