Linda let out a sympathetic sigh. "You used to be a proper lady. You got married to Finneas and lived a good life, but now? Now you're a sorry sight."

Megan took a deep breath. "Stop. I'm living a good life now, and I've turned over a new leaf. I don't want to dwell on my past, and I'm not interested in getting back at Selena. All I want is a quiet life." With that, she stood up. "I know you have everything about me. The good and the bad, but if you're going to back me into a corner with that, you can be sure I'll bite back." Megan emphasized the last part.

Her life was a nightmare, but she didn't want to get back at Selena. After all that had happened. she had let go of her grudge. Besides, even if she wanted to, she stood no chance against Selena. Putting Pierre aside, Selena alone was already a formidable opponent. She bought out both the Yard Group and Lake Corporation, and she even had her own fashion brand. Last she checked, Selena started her casual clothing line and was a multimillionaire.

She couldn't hope to stand up against her. Even though marrying an upstart and becoming a stepmom was hard, at least she had a stable life. After going through the hell that was prison, she was content with her new life.

"Ah, please let me finish," Linda said.

Megan stopped in her tracks.

ally. I'm a new person now, you know. Literally. Have you ever heard of the Murrays? I'm a part of them now. I could have sought anyone else out, but I thought you'd be perfect for the job." Linda drank some coffee. "Of course, you stand to gain a lot from helping me. How does your own business sound? I

she was useless for the Astleys. She didn't bear any child, nor could she make money, so the Astleys looked

name card in Megan's handbag. "Don't be in a hurry. Think long and


too much. It's going to be hard to persuade her.

cursed. She thought Megan could be a powerful ally, but it turned out that

with Linda. She had worked hard

Megan heard the sound of smashing glass outside, then someone yelled, "Don't touch me! Leave me alone!" She shook her head before going out. As expected, she


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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