Chapter 790

Chapter 790

"Why do you say so?" As he was speaking, his hand started caressing and groping her body. Jude was perhaps dizzy with anger or affected by hormones, because in the next second, she had an outburst. "Am I nothing but a tool for your desires? I just came home, and this is what you want to do! We didn't even get the chance to talk to each other!" She sat up straight and glared at him.

Puzzled by her anger, he sat up and switched on the bedside lamp. "What happened? I thought we always went straight to sex."

Indeed, they were always straightforward and passionate with each other. Since Jude was a bold woman who always took the initiative, they matched each other's pace in bed well. "That's not the point!" she yelled at his face. "Get out! I don't want to see you?”

"What happened to you?" He was befuddled by her animosity.

She had always been an understanding partner. Knowing that he was always busy, she never blamed him for ignoring her for extended periods. Therefore, her flare-up tonight came as a huge surprise. "I told you to get out! Did you not hear me?" In a shrill voice, she shrieked at him.


"Get out!" Ignoring his plea, she roared at him. Helpless, he gave in, his shoulders slumped and his arms limp. "Okay. I will leave."

waded out of the bedroom. That night, for the first time in his life, he agreed that women were the

which felt super awkward. His male pride was hurt from being driven out of his bedroom by his woman. I'd be embarrassed to death if others heard about

Jude still felt

loud bang as the door of the guest room was kicked open. "Wow, did you really leave the room when I asked you to? You're quite

was running out of temper as he wondered if

yell at me..." Her lips were trembling, and with

Is she under

pull on her arm, but she shrugged his hand off. "Don't

finally reached his limit. He had always been understanding and patient toward her, but it seemed

It's none of your business! How could you yell

to stop crying. She robotically wiped off the tears on her face and replied, "Yes, you are too tolerant and you spoiled me! Now that I'm a spoiled brat, you probably don't want to

break up! We've broken

her unreasonable fit to assert his dominance. Nevertheless, he ran after her and yelled, "Come back! Jude, I'll count to three now; if you

in the halls of the castle

his surprise, the obstinate Jude had no intention to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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