With a heavy sigh, he let his hand fall away from the doorknob and proceeded to the guest room.

On the other side of the door, sleep had evaded Selena as she lay staring at the ceiling. How could she sleep now after all that had happened? She wasn't sure why she had locked the door in the first place. It's probably because I don't know how I'm supposed to face a person who has come back to life.

The final piece to the puzzle had fallen into place the moment she saw Pierre standing in front of her earlier that day.

On the presumption that her guess was correct, Pierre had faked his own death so that Zephyr Organization would let their guard down and when they did, he dealt them a final, deadly blow.

While the strategy was a good one, she had ended up as collateral damage. She couldn't help but blame him for not telling her about his plans beforehand if he had done so, she would have put up an act alongside him. So, why didn't he tell me anything at all? Was he worried that I might warn Jude of his plans? Or, did he think I wouldn't be able to pull off the act?

Selena wondered how the trust between them could be so fragile despite all the years they had spent together as husband and wife.

As the thoughts clamored in her headspace, warm tears began to spill down her face.

Meanwhile, Pierre's return had sent ripples across the entire Fowler Family as everyone rejoiced. They might not have grasped all the facts of his supposed death and the subsequent resurrection, but they were happy enough to let those questions slide.

starting to regain its former

went on to give Pierre the cold shoulder and she refused to let him sleep in the bedroom. Eventually, the interaction between them dwindled into

evening, she was looking after the kids in the playroom when Juniper suddenly tugged on her shirt, asking, "Mommy, don't you love Daddy anymore?" Taken aback by the question, Selena froze for a moment before gently patting Juniper on

if you still

were sleeping in different rooms and they ended up

thing. I won't split up with Daddy. I've been feeling sick recently and I made Daddy sleep in the guest room so


night." Juniper was now clutching her mother's arm and gently

were sensitive

let him come back to the room

great! That means you and Daddy won't

night came and it was time for bed, the hesitation started to kick in. After pondering on her options, Selena finally marched down to the guest room and awkwardly knocked on the door, saying softly, "Come back

straightforward one and without sparing Pierre another look,

Selena bent over to lay out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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