However, Charles' silence was taken the wrong way when Jude glanced at him. "Why aren't you saying anything?" "I..." He really didn't know what to tell her.

"Why are you stuttering? It's all your fault! The baby must be refusing to come out because it doesn't want to see you!"

Her reasoning was total bullsh*t, but he had no other way to go about it than to endure in silence, since she was pregnant with his baby. Hold it in, Charles Raffles.

It snowed that night. After showering, Jude noticed flakes of snow falling when she looked out from the window, and she gave Selena a video call right away. "Look, Selena! It's snowing! It's the first snow!" Selena seemed to have just come out of an argument, so she was still in a sour mood. The view of the snowy night on Jude's end provided her with some solace. "The snowflakes are huge."

"I wonder what's going on with the weather. It started snowing so suddenly. Could it be that it's lamenting something?"

"Isn't it just a natural phenomena? What could it be lamenting about?"

Hearing that, the two men on both ends of the call started mentally lamenting about their grievances. Perhaps that was what caused the snowfall.

"Selena, is there any movement on your end?" No matter how they began their call, their conversation would always end up revolving around why they had yet to go into labor. "Nothing is happening on my end."

"Me neither. The doctor told me to count the number of fetal movements while observing them. This is my second pregnancy, so I should have gone into labor earlier. If nothing happens soon, I will have to be hospitalized as per the doctor's orders." Selena sounded disappointed.

"There's nothing happening on my end either. I'm getting so frustrated. Do you think maybe the baby is having such a good time in there that they're refusing to come out?"

babies are like that. It is said that the time of their birth

of the swell on my belly

rid of it now, you'll immediately want to tuck the baby back into your belly as soon as you give birth to it. Don't you

up when he heard

be kidding


into the air, only



the spot immediately after

Jude?" Selena

wet myself..." Jude wore an

You need

was dumbfounded by

right away! You need to go to the

Jude to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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