Fortunately, it was Selena's second time going into labor. After a long, arduous process, the baby was finally born. "Congratulations, Mr. Fowler, Mrs. Fowler. You have a daughter."

The moment Selena heard the news from the delivery assistant, she felt relief wash over her. On the other hand, tears were rolling in Pierre's eyes when he witnessed the wretched state Selena was in, but he managed to blink back his tears.

After a two-hour observation period, everybody was relieved that all was well. Due to exhaustion, Selena fell asleep in the middle of a conversation with Pierre. He held her while looking at her closed eyes. When the nurse approached them to offer a reminder, he glared at her, which prompted her to lower her volume. "Mr. Fowler, it's time to feed the baby. The sooner the baby can be breastfed, the sooner the mother will produce breast milk."

"Why the hurry?" Pierre was indignant. "Can't you just feed her some formula?"

Upon hearing that, the nurse left with an awkward smile on her face. All the while, Pierre had been grabbing Selena's hand as he gazed at his wife. She was both strong yet frail. Although she could be invincible, she was also such a fragile and pitiable being. Tears rolled down his cheeks without him noticing as those thoughts lingered in his mind.

Selena woke up four hours later. When she woke up, a nurse was watching over her in Pierre's stead. "Mrs. Fowler, are you not planning to breastfeed the baby?"

want to breastfeed the baby?" Selena didn't get to feed Juniper a lot when

if you wish to. The earlier you let

Under the nurse's

Pierre returned, he got scolded by Selena, which he inevitably protested. "Isn't baby formula the same? Baby formulas nowadays are so

when you feed a baby! Juniper has poor health because I didn't breastfeed her! I will breastfeed this baby, no matter what!"

soft and tender body of the baby in her arms, she recalled her circumstances back when Juniper ̧ was younger. Back then, they were struggling to survive, so she was so focused on making ends meet that she didn't get to admire her daughter


Pierre was being all

Don't you like her?"

I like her a lot." He averted his gaze after checking out the tiny

first time she ever witnessed him in distress was when he was in the presence of an infant. "She's not that fragile. You just need to be careful.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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