41 Drawing The Line Luke.

Making love to Tia felt better each time. It was no joke, but my body craved hers all the time. I had to have her that morning, and I did. I noticed she wasn’t so vocal in bed, so I decided I would try to make her speak up more so she could enjoy it just as much as I was enjoying it. Breakfast was great and, above all, peaceful. There was no Stacy to get on everyone’s nerves or Caleb sulking and staring at my wife obsessively, Monica trying to flirt with me,

or my father bringing up unnecessary unrelated ¿ topics to talk about. The height of it was when he

decided to discuss our first heat on the table. It was private to Tia and me, and he had made it a public affair and even tried to bring up my mother. The man had no limits or shame.

This was our first morning in the house, and Tia looked overwhelmed with happiness. Caleb had called me to inform me that Gabriel was in the warehouse for questioning, and I was eager to learn everything about him. I wanted to know who planned on killing me badly. While we ate breakfast, a call came from the hospital, and I cringed.

“Good morning Alpha Moon,” The doctor said, and I looked at Tia. I had the urge to excuse myself, so I could speak to the doctor, but I had promised that I would not keep secrets, so I stayed.

“Good morning Doctor Green,” I said, and Tia looked at me with a knowing look. “We need you to sign some documents, and I also want to discuss some things about Miss Barnes. I promise it won’t take much of your time.” He said, and I looked at my wife. “Okay,” I said and hung up.

“What is the matter?” Tià asked me.

“They want me to come and sign some documents, and the doctor wants to discuss some things with me,” I said, and she rolled her eyes. “Don’t they know we are on ‘vacation’?” she said, making the quotes sign with her fingers, and I laughed. “I guess we have to make a stop at the hospital then,” Tia said, and I nodded reluctantly. I honestly did not want to see Elisabeth.

We finished our breakfast and headed out. Jacob and Michelle were in the house, so there was no need for us to lock up. I let them know we might return late, so they don’t worry. “While I drove, I placed my right hand on Tia’s thighs and squeezed. I knew this Elisabeth thing was taking a toll on her even though she hid it. She looked at me and smiled.

“We will get through this, Luke,” she said assuringly, and I was glad for her optimism; I needed it.

I drove quickly to the hospital and parked the car. I held on to Tia’s hands so she would not lag behind!

like last time and walked quickly into the clinic. Not having time to waste, 1 headed straight for the doctor’s office. Doctor Benjamin Green was surprised to see me with Tia, but he controlled himself.


Luna Tia,” He said to Tia, and she

handing me sorne

I asked, and he looked at Tia and then looked

want to say in the presence of my

believe your mistress might….” he said, and

result of our break up sex. I haven’t touched her since,” I stated because I knew the news had gone round that I had a pregnant mistress. I wouldn’t put it past Stacy or Elisabeth herself; I intended to correct the misconception at every given opportunity. He cleared his throat and apologised. “Miss Barnes has been inducing her symptoms which might be harmful to the

knew that. Then he


what is the way forward?” I asked him,


She needs to undergo psychiatric evaluation. That is why


be all?” I

I couldn’t care less at this point. This whole baby blackmail thing was getting to me now. I was done with this woman. We had said our goodbyes, and clearly, she has moved on, so why is she doing this to me? “No,” I told the doctor and stood up. “I have signed the document and given you the go-ahead, but I do not want to have any dealings with that bitch. If she wants to starve herself to death, so be it. It would mean fewer problems for my wife and me. Let her know that if she starves herself to death, she will be doing Tia and me a huge favour,” I said and got up, The doctor was shocked, but I knew I had to draw the line. If not, she would continue doing things to gain my attention, and Tia can only take

signing, my butler Bart can attend to the documents in my stead. Am I clear?” I said, and the doctor nodded and stood

car and headed toward the

you sure about this? You know Elisabeth can be daring,”

I have done everything. I pay money to her account weekly. I kept her rent and paid her bills even after we broke up. I offered to give her money to start a business then she did this to me. What more does she want? Once I find the unfortunate man she is screwing, she will be out of the moon mansion and


my wife,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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