45 And It Was Just Us


I heard the noises when I left my father’s office, and I decided to wait a bit before entering the lounge. The breakfast lounge was cursed. There was no day that drama wouldn’t occur in that lounge. I was glad that Tia and I had moved away from it. Hearing the conversation, regretted bringing my wife to the Moon mansion. Caleb was trying to get the truth out of his mother, and I admired his strength. Whatever it was, Stacy was really scared because she refused to speak, and it was beginning to bother me. The guy must be dangerous, or the information he had must be complex for her to hold out on her son.

Soon I had enough and walked into the lounge.

“Tia,” I called to my wife, and she stood up and looped her hand with mine. “I guess this is our queue to leave. Caleb, take it easy on your mother,” I advised my brother and was ready to leave. “You are heartless, Luke. I told you my problem, and you refused to help me.” Stacy shot at me.

“I have told you to open up to your mate. I will be stupid to start helping you pay someone that is blackmailing you. Whatever the matter is, you and my father are stuck together forever.

vou, and now that he is no longer Alpha, he can’t cast you out. I definitely wont cast you out because it is really none of my business. It will be in your best interest to tell him what is happening, Stacy. It will be best for you and everyone,” I said and took Tia with me.

“I know you have moved out, Luke. I know you two are not coming back,” she said, and I laughed.

“Watch your tongue, Stacy. Solve your problem,” I said, and Tia and I left. Stacy was cursing at me, and Caleb kept yelling at her. It was a fiasco.

The moment we stepped out of the mansion, my luck turned sour when Elisabeth arrived. Bart had gone to bring her from the hospital. She stepped out of the car quickly, wearing joggers and a hoody. The hospital had many of those to give out. She looked haggard with ashen skin and dark circles. I did not know why she was doing this to herself. “Luke,” she said, trying to sound hurt, “You just abandoned me there. I am carrying your child, and you showed no care towards me. Then I heard you came and signed me up for psychiatric evaluation. Why? All this to please her? Where was she when everyone hated you and people thought you would amount to nothing? Who warmed your bed then, Luke? I did. I kept you company and loved you. I still love you,” she said in tears, and I had had enough.

you looked into the mirror? You are too selfish to care for anyone than yourself. Mind you, I was still a nobody when Tia married me. Unlike you, her love had no price or condition. She wasn’t ashamed of me or made me go through hell. I have never had to beg her for anything. For eight years, you made me feel you were doing me

is a lie,”

I can never cheat on my wife. I did right by you, and you paid me back with this. I have had enough of you. I will have no dealings with you henceforth. I am on vacation with my wife, so it would be in your best interest to behave yourself. There will be no one here to attend to your foolishness.” I said I was about to walk away with Tia when

me, Luke. Taking care of me and following me to antenatal sessions and picking out baby things..” she said, and I cut her. “Those are things I look forward to doing with my wife. You decided you would be doing this alone when you purposefully decided to get pregnant. Please excuse me,” I said and started heading towards my car. Elisabeth said some things, but I wasn’t paying attention anymore. I was done with the place. Tia and I got in, and we drove off. “Eventful,” I said, and she began to laugh. “Breakfast from hell,” she said, and I laughed too. We weren’t expecting less, and the family did not disappoint. “Don’t you think we should look into the person Stacy is paying?” Tia asked, and I glanced at

‘Why?” I asked her.

She was afraid and refused to crack Luke. I think it

Our business is catching Luis,” I said, and

the work for that day. It was best to start letting her take charge so she won’t need my help when I take over the Alpha’s Office. Now that I had

was paid to him before we got married. Six months ago. It was paid by an offshore company called, Nuclei. I browsed the internet for it,

the Nuclei. They need identification documents to register these things,” Tia said, and I

same direction.

I took out my phone to delegate the work to someone. After that, we pulled up Stacy’s bank statement and noticed she paid one million Kins to a company called Tektite which was also a shell company. What was it with people’s

Once it was seven in the evening, we decided to call it a day and leave. Instead of taking the turn that would lead us home, I took

where are we going?” She finally

drove to a private cliff. It was called the lovers’ hideout, and I had wanted to bring her there for a while. “This place is beautiful, Luke,”

tie and my jacket. Unbuttoned the top three buttons of my shirt and rolled up my sleeves. We exited the car and sat on the hood to admire the city and the night lights. I intertwined my finger with hers and brought her hand to my lips. I kissed her hand gently and placed her palm against my cheek. She caressed it gently, and I watched her close her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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