51 Luke POV



I had just finished training and was about to hang out with Caleb when we got a call that our father was in the hospital. Stacy had called her son and was rambling on the phone. We abandoned our plans and rushed to the hospital. By the time we got there, our father was asleep. The doctor said he would be okay and had just suffered from severe shock. “What happened?” Caleb asked his mother.

“Tell Luke to ask his bitch of a wife what she did,” she shot back, and I wondered how Tia could have a hand in this, and that was when Monica spoke up. “She told Uncle Aesop in my presence that aunty Stacy was robbing everyone to pay off a blackmailer that had been blackmailing her for Twenty-three years, and because of that, she does not trust me to work in the corp. She made sure they fired me for it,” she said.

hurt and angry. “What happened before she said all that. I

and work with Gail now that you were no longer there, and she refused,” Monica said,

be all. Something must have pushed her to speak. I have known Tia for years and she wouldn’t volunteer the information like that,” Caleb said, coming to her defence. “This bitch almost killed your father, and you two are defending her?” Stacy said, and I got

hit him the hard. I can understand what my father experienced. If Tia kept a secret from me that long and I had to hear it from someone else, I would react the same. Blame yourself and no one else,” I said, and she slapped me hard

her dead

to shake with fear. “Please, Luke, let her go. She is sorry, and she won’t do it again,” Caleb said, pleading on her behalf, but I held on. “The next time you speak of my wife disrespectfully again,

heart before he even knew it. I hoped he would move on one day. The anger he felt towards his mother was because he lost Tia. We waited a bit in the hospital until my father woke up, and we followed him home. I used that opportunity to shower and change my clothes in my wing. My father told me what had transpired and how he had threatened Tia before she decided to tell him the real reason why she did not want Monica working with Gail. According to him, Tia said she wanted someone she could hold accountable and punish without bias. She wasn’t comfortable with Monica because Stacy had money issues, and someone had been blackmailing her for twenty-Three years. She said she has proof of the recent two years’ transfers to an offshore shell company. My father told me the fact that Stacy could keep such a thing from him was wha upset, and it wasn’t Tia that fired Monica; he was the one. “That girl is a tough cookie. I am glad she is your wife, Luke. She will be a powerful Luna. Our country and pack have never had one that strong; I am so proud of her. She did not let me intimidate her, and she was bold ready to damn the consequence. Above all, she loves you dearly.

a bit, but I did not know if she would like it, so I opted to torture her with orgasms. Tia loved her orgasms, and that was precisely what I would use. I worked on myself before leaving the mansion. I did not want to cum too soon. She was so hot that I knew I would want her when I started. Working on myself would buy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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