56 Who Will Take Care Of M


I wanted to return to the holidayhouse and wait for Luke to return, but I knew he would not be happy that I did not follow his directives. The last thing I wanted was to deal with the people of the moon mansion, but I had no choice but to go there. My insides were shaking while I drove. My heart was in my mouth. Today was supposed to be beautiful, but we started on the wrong note. Luke tried to fix it, but this Saturday had been fated to be a painful one

Spending time on the cliff with Luke made me not have a care in the world. It was just him and me; he made love to me most of our time there. All we did from the moment we got there was affirm our feelings, eat, and make love. Fear began to overtake my reasoning. I tried to keep my shit together, but I couldnt. What if he doesnt return to me. What if this was it, and this was the goddesss way of letting him say goodbye to me? I knocked those thoughts out of my head immediately

Get a grip of yourself.I told myself,He is Alpha, and this is what your life will be like. He will have to fight and protect his people often. You will have to lead while he is absent; you will have to be strong for him,I repeated while driving, and it settled me a bit. It was an alphas routine to fight and defend his pack. Luke was happy to have his brother and father with him


I pulled into the road leading to the mansions first gate. The security greeted me as they would an Alpha, and I held their gaze dutifully; I moved to the next gate and got the same treatment. The moment I parked in front tof the Mansion, Bart, Kirk and some lowerranking military were there. I was glad that Kirk was there, at least

I exited the car and handed the keys to Bart

Welcome, Luna,Bart greeted me with the utmost respect, and I held his gaze and nodded in response with the same respect. I turned to Kirk, and he saluted along with the soldier

We are at your command Luna Tia,he said and nodded at him

Why didnt you go with them?I asked Kirk

I am a Delta now; Mike Crawford went in my stead as Gamma. Alpha Aesop felt you need a familiar person to help keep the island safe.He explained, and I understood why I was put in charge. My duty was to ensure that Woodclaw city was not invaded while they ward off the attack on Eastwood. After all, there were other packs on the island. We might rule them, but we can not trust them entirely because we do not bear the same mark

especially regions close to Eastwood. Radio all security agencies on the island. Declare an indefinite curfew for every pack, town and city on the island. Anyone found outside two hours from now should be arrested. If there is no one on the streets, it would be easier to

I said to my friend, and he smiled and nodded. I walked into the mansion, and the entire household was waiting for me. The staff were in tears, and to my surprise, Stacy, Kimberly, Elisabeth and Monica were also in tears. It was understandable we all had someone we cared about in the battle. This wasn‘t the time for me to be petty. There were two heavily pregnant women, and among the four women, only one of them was not a bitch.

be back

to lie to us. It is all over the news, those evil people attacked with guns,” kimberly said, weeping, and I was shaken to my core. I knew

There is a television there. We might dislike ourselves, but these are crucial moments for all of us.” Stacy said, and I


looked at her; it was taking every fibre of my being not to break down in her presence. I needed to be alone and

nice if you don‘t trouble me unless it is an emergency.” I said,

bother you, I swear,” She linked me, and

he asked me to stay away from Kimberly,

Kimberly,” I said aloud, and the staff could hear. This is a serious situation. If you get too worked up, and something happened to the baby, I will be blamed, and some people will not fail to say it was a deliberate

I am fine. Please. I do not want to be alone tonight,” She pleaded with me, but the truth was, I wanted

and I asked the staff

be with me and not, Tia,” Stacy said, and I hoped Kimberly would take her up

She doesn‘t pretend she likes me and is easier to be around. I know you do not like me, and your deal is off with my father; you hate me. Please, I do not need negative energy right now. The father of my child is out there fighting armed people. I need to pray for his safe return,” she said politely to Stacy, and I was surprised at her boldness. Kimberly rarely spoke at all. Ever since she moved into the house and Caleb rejected her, she had been in a shell. I believe she counted down the days to prove to Caleb that the baby was

her lagged behind. I needed privacy, so I guess the toilet would

we entered the room, Kimberly was amazed.

Tia, Luke dotes on you,” she said, admiring the room.

will take

remarks about the room and then starts to cry, Hormones. She sat on the couch in the sitting room, and I turned on the television and tuned to the live broadcast of the fight. The station was covering the event from above

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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