59 A Warning From Luis


Tia looked adorable, munching the sandwich Bart brought her. I had never seen her this hungry before. I guess the whole stress and throwing up had made her want food. It was also adorable how she smeared the side of her mouth with some mayonnaise, and I pulled her close to lick it off. She was embarrassed a bit, but when I kissed her, she relaxed.

I honestly didn’t want to go for breakfast, but my father said we needed it. The fight was a big deal because we were unprepared, and it was sudden. It was also a well-planned attack. It would have gone either way. I could not wait to question the people we caught so we could find out who was behind the attack. Being on the defence always was precarious, especially if the enemy was highly skilled and resourceful. Whoever these people were meant business, and they had people dedicated to the cause. I sensed an Alpha behind this because I did not know who else could make wolves so dedicated to taking their lives to avoid being caught.

“We need to get ready,” I told Tia, and she grumbled, refusing to get off the bed. I carried placed her on my shoulder and took her into the bathroom.

“I understand your reluctance since you ate four sandwiches, which was terrific, but we have to honour the invite. I said and took off the only item of clothing she had, which was my t shirt. She looked at me with her big eyes, and I was taken. I groaned a bit, resting my forehead against hers, and she smiled, knowing exactly what she had done to me. I turned on the shower and hoisted her up. She wrapped her legs around me, and I buried myself into her. Lately, her pussy had been softer and wetter than it used to be. Maybe it had a lot to do with her mood because it milked my cock, and it took a lot of willpower not to cum. I held on until she came before spilling into her. I let her down gradually, and her eyes looked dazed, but she was satisfied, and that was all I wanted because I was fully satiated.

We dressed up and headed for breakfast. I held Tia’s hand as we moved towards the right wing. Everyone was already at the table when we arrived. I pulled out Tia’s seat for her and sat next to my father. We greeted my father and Stacy, and the rest of the people at the table greeted us. I was surprised to see Caleb serve Kimberly at the table. I wasn’t the only one that was surprised. I guess the fight had let my brother realise that life was short, and instead of pining for the things he had already lost, he was better off cherishing what he still had. I touched Tia’s thigh under the table, and she spread her leg for me, being naughty. “Tia,” My father said. “I want to commend you for your quick thinking. It saved our lives,” he said to her. “Thank you, Alpha Aesop,” she said, and he frowned at her. “Thank you, father,” She corrected herself, and I knew she said it with a lot of difficulties.

“Thanks to Tia’s orders, the attacker’s reinforcement stopped coming, and we were able to subdue them. We were also able to apprehend two intruders, which we w answers,” he said, and no one said a word. Honestly, the breakfast lounge was not the place to have these discussions, but my father wouldn’t give up on his disastrous breakfast meetings.

“Have you decided how to go about the interrogation?” My father asked, and I nodded. “Yes. Once I am done with breakfast, Caleb and I will be heading to the prisons to question and


interrogate them,” I said, and He looked at Tia.

doing today, Luna,”

office. I have a backlog

internship with us. Tia did not bother to argue; it was as if she had suspected he would do it. His scent was also all over Stacy, so I guess hot sex between the two had made him forgive and forget her lies. It was sad to see how my father allowed the woman to manipulate him like this. I did not blame him. I was a fool for Tia, and I doubt I would see her faults if she was a terrible person like Stacy. Even if I did, I would be quick to overlook it. My father’s actions towards Stacy infuriated me, but I understood him

Tia to go to the office, but she insisted. In fact, she took offence when I told her to return to the holiday home and wait for me. Even though she claimed to be up for it,

to tag along. There was no point saying no because we were going to Diamond corp. At that moment, I wished I was driving the convertible. I made a

corp towers and headed toward the

was already torturing the people we arrested. He and Tia were the experts in that field. They both scored high marks, with Tia scoring higher than him, but unfortunately, Tia was no longer a part of the

get out of the guys?” I asked Caleb and

to tell Kirk to

Those people were innocent, and you tried to wipe them out.” I

you care about the stupid people of Eastwood. All you are trying to protect is the gold and bitumen that makes you wealthy, Son of Chloe Renshaw,” he said,

your mother’s wealth.” He said, and I smiled. Although I never knew my mother was an alpha, let alone the Alpha of Eastwood, I knew my father was living off her money. “Tell me what I do not know,” I

fight between him and your father, so you do not get caught in between and burn,” he said. I was surprised that he had just said the name of


not find him; he finds you.” The

man’s cause?” I asked, not understanding why they would be that devoted

Your father stole from our pack and insulted us. He will pay for it with everything

guys want to ruin

just a test Alpha Luke. It will be best if you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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