63 Kimberly’s Plans  

Kimberly followed me quietly to the left-wing. It was amazing to see how she was warming up to me gradually. When we entered the room, she sat on the couch and put up her feet. “they are killing?” I asked her, and she smiled at me, relaxed and nodded. “Yes. My feet swell up if I don’t put them up. It’s part of the downsides of the last trimester,” she said to me, and I decided to take some lessons from her. “I guess you will educate me then,” I said, and she smiled. “You are Lucky, Tia. You won’t be doing this on your own,” She said, and her smile dropped slightly. “How are things going between you two?” I asked her, and she smiled. “He is warming up to me and trying to be nice.” She said, but the smile did not touch her eyes. “What is bothering you?” I asked her, and she looked astonished. “You could tell?” She asked, and I nodded. “Your smile didn’t touch your eyes,” I said and sat down beside her. Mimicking her, I put my feet up on the centre table too. She giggled a bit, and I laughed. “Not now, Tia. You are still in the early stages, “She said, and I shrugged. “I might as well start practising,” I said, and she smiled.

“Now tell me what is troubling you, Kim?” I asked on a serious note, and I noticed she was reluctant to speak

“I promise I won’t tell anyone except Luke if I have to, and you know he doesn’t talk to anyone,” I said, and she smiled at my honesty. I did not want to lie to her that I won’t tell anyone and still tell Luke. “I will tell you, Tia. You are not malicious and have nothing to gain from hurting me.” She said, summing it up.

“I never planned on getting pregnant. I honestly thought people only get pregnant when they are on heat, and they do it. I have liked Caleb since we were fourteen, and he never saw me. I crushed on him just like you did, but soon I became a little bolder and asked him out. He didn’t turn me down, and we hung out a lot. Stacy and my father encouraged it, and Caleb made me feel like he was interested, but soon I realised he only had eyes for you, and that was why I hated you so much. Even though he claimed you two were just friends, I knew he was lying, but I hoped we would finally get together. Then we started dating, and everything was great, but he didn’t want you to know. He said it would hurt your feelings. Deep down, I knew he cared about you, and I might just be his past time because his mother pressured him to date me. I figured he was doing it for the benefit of his mother, but at that point, I would take anything. After the way he treated me at the graduation party, I broke up with him in the morning. I didn’t bother sleeping over at his house. Then I found out I was pregnant two

weeks after graduation. The baby was conceived in the car, but Caleb kept thinking about the graduation night when he used a condom. Unknown to us, I was already pregnant then by then. I wanted to abort the baby, but my father said no. He told me I should keep it and get with Caleb, or he would cut me off. I felt if Caleb felt anything for me, he would accept the child since you will be marrying Luke.” she said and burst into tears.

“It wasn’t the rejection that hurt, Tia. It was the fact that he denied my baby. Look at how Alpha Aesop and everyone was congratulating you. Luke assumed responsibility for Elisabeth even though everyone knows she is a two-timing bitch. He still accepted responsibility for her and her unborn child. Caleb kicked me to the curb. He made me feel dirty; he was my first. I have never been with anyone other than him, yet he did this to me.” She said, and I patted her back gently.

“He is coming around,” I told her, and she wiped away her tears.

“It doesn’t matter, Tia. I have some money saved up. Once I have delivered the baby and he has cleared his doubt with the DNA test, I will be leaving the city. Please do not tell him or

and start afresh. I know no one would want to mate with me because I already have a child, but it will be better than living with a man that does not love me. That treated

I said, and

lonely days and nights crying, wishing and hoping. I searched my soul for where I had gone wrong. I am over him, Tia. The truth is he doesn’t love me. He is trying to settle for me. I deserve better than that. I am only pretending to be okay with everything so no one would

Give him a chance

to. I am numb

won’t be around to walk me through mine?”

pretends around Alpha Aesop and Luke is mind-bugging. Monica has her designs on your husband, Tia. You need to watch out for her.” Kimberly said, and I was stunned by her. “I know. Alpha Moon,

time, Tia. I know this is too much to ask for, but I do not

my appointments, and I could call you to be with me when I want to deliver the baby,” she said, and I looked at her to inake sure she was serious. I did not know how Luke would feel about it. “I will be due in two weeks, Tia. Caleb thinks it

to type in my phone number. “All you have to do is call me, and I will

on it while waiting for Luke to finish the meeting. An

Luke whispered in my ears, and I honestly did not mind sleeping over. I was already tired. “Maybe Kimberly can give you some pointers,

I said, and he smiled back

go to bed?”

can find my way back to my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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