Chapter 193 He’s Lying

“You’ve also heard about what Lennon did?”

“Of course.” Jacob grimaced. “You never mentioned to him that she’s your wife. That guy bugs me every day, asking if there’s another woman in your house who’s neither your wife nor your servant. It’s annoying!”

Damien took a sip of his tea with a smile. “Did you tell him?”

Jacob shook his head firmly. “Absolutely not. The more he probes, the less inclined I am to tell him anything.”

“Good job,” Damien commended.

“Of course!” Jacob raised his tea unceremoniously. “I look forward to seeing the expression on his face when he realizes the girl he’s interested in is your wife. That would be an incredible


Damien merely replied with another smile.

house, Cherise hailed

moment she walked into the cafe, she

was dressed casually in white, which made him appear

waved at him before walking over and taking a seat. “What’s the

annoyed that he woke her from her nap, she knew he was a polite. and reasonable person. Hence,

a deep breath before continuing. “Didn’t you

“Indeed. But he doesn’t seem to be able to cure him…Never

consulted a team of specialists abroad and was on track to regain his eyesight within a

coffee. “After the

on the cup tightening. “What


He’s been lying to you all

heavy silence descended upon

You’re saying that… his eyes have been perfectly

“Yes. It’s not that Mr. Johnson couldn’t cure him-it’s simply because there’s nothing wrong with

Cherise shook her head firmly and smiled back at fan. “You must be quite prejudiced toward my husband, lan. He’s a bad liar, especially to me. We’re husband and wife. there’s no need to lie to each other. Even if he were a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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