Chapter 415 Will Be Fine

Zyaire woke up at five in the morning. Before the sun even rose, he escaped Jinrich by following the path arranged by the informants.

The helicopter Quintus sent to pick him up had already been waiting outside Jinrich.

Therefore, before the sun emerged from the horizon, Zyaire successfully returned to Hishwick Island.

The Schmidt family members were excited to welcome his return.

The only two people who weren't cheering in joy were Marilyn and Jeslyn because Evelyn hadn't returned yet.

“Where's Evelyn, Dad? Why didn't she return with you?” questioned Marilyn with worry.

excited everyone was welcoming me back. Before

question, Marilyn shook her head.

Jeslyn stared at Zyaire

immediately left the Schmidt

as the smiles on the other Schmidt family

daughter arrived at Paradise

guarding Paradise Hotel since last night, waiting

Mr. Langdon?” Zyaire went straight to the point the moment

few skilled snipers. What's strange is that I still haven't received any orders to attack from Mr. Campbell!”

possible he ran into trouble when rescuing my sister?” Marilyn, who was already

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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