Chapter 129

Something about the hot shower he just took felt off. He should have taken a cold one instead.

His heart was getting more restless. Who the hell sleeps so defenselessly in a man’s room?

Was he overthinking or did Maja have some ulterior motive?

Seeing the blanket on the bed and recalling her in his suit, he picked up the blanket, walked back to the living room, casually tore it open, and draped it over her. He didn’t look at her face and deliberately kept a distance between them.


After doing all that he ignored her, went back to the master bedroom and lay down.

When he’s not pulling an all–nighter, he’s disciplined and hits the hay by fo.

But if he really has to burn the midnight oil for days on end, he can do it without feeling a wink of sleep.

As soon as his eyes shut, he heard a noise from the living room, as if something had been kicked over.

He chose to ignore it and hit the sack.

middle of the night with

frowned and rubbed her eyes in

where she was, she immediately got

so long and were numb, coupled with her still recovering ankle, she tumbled towards the table as soon as she

such a racket there was no way

  1. up.

door to the master bedroom, tying

from the floor, and when she looked up,

up and

I’m sorry, I…”

the floor and then at her exposed palms and ankles, unharmed.

he was with Maja,

was she always making a fool of herself

did she fall asleep in a

didn’t kick her out, which speaks volumes about his good

his eyes, she was no different from those easy women.

out a sigh.

piss off the client and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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