Chapter 224

lari didn’t look at the orange. He just felt his heart beating irregularly. He frowned, trying to ignore the feeling

“Just leave if there”

Maja thought lan didn’t like the orange, but he didn’t throw it away due to his good manners. After all, it was a gift from someone, so he kept it


So, she put the orange back where it was and sat back in her seat.

The subtle tension filled the silence like a lingering fragrance.

lan looked down at his documents, but his peripheral vision stayed on the side of his leg. There was a sensation there as if the heat was still lingering

Seeing him engrossed in his documents, Maja dared not disturb him and silently arrived at their destination

Bob stepped out of the car, first thanking lan, then pointed to a villa in the distance.

“That’s where you’ll find who you’re looking for. We can take Mr. Raymond there for a look-see. I’ve done the bit Daly asked me to, now off you go.” Maja turned to thank lan, then Mr. James, before heading toward the villa

But she’d only taken a few steps when she heard lan’s voice:

“If they give you the cold shoulder, drop my name.”

taken aback. Was Mr. Felton chummy

the case, things just got

her face,

“Mr. Raymond, cheers.”

midday sun was blazing, glaring off

his chat with

villa and rang

the door half open, you could see

owner sure had

figure emerged. When he saw her, a hint of confusion flashed

help you?”

heard he’s home today,

servant hesitated for a few seconds before opening the

doesn’t usually entertain uninvited guests. Come in; I’ll put in a word for you. Let’s see if he’ll see you.” Maja was attractive and charming, so the servant was willing

tell at a glance that the garden was intricately designed, blending the usual European elements with unique

doors opened, and she saw a painting in the

was a replica, as the original had become a national treasure and was in the museum, unattainable no matter how

in the painting world made this replica

to a certain place. As to where exactly,

had only ever recreated this one painting, and it was a surprise

and saw a man in his fifties sitting in the

Felton, I didn’t expect you to

all, many masters in the country replicated this painting, Mystical

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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