Chapter 321

Hattie Zimmer was raised in Crystalbrook Valley and naturally had a soft spot for the two sons of Neil’s brother.

When Neil proposed to Lillian, Hattie was totally against it. She thought Lillian’s body was not up for the task of childbirth. She even feuded with Neil over this, but he ultimately convinced her.

After Neil married, Hattie was pissed to find out Lillian was already pregnant before the wedding.

If she’d known about the pregnancy beforehand, she would’ve saved herself the 300 bucks she spent on the wedding gift. She gave Lillian a piece of her mind that night, accusing her of hiding the pregnancy and thereby hiking up her own value!

So, the day Neil and Lillian marned, Hattie threw them into the near–collapsing side house and took back her wedding gift.

Lillian was an artist. Her family was alright, but they definitely weren’t rolling in dough.

And by that time, her family was pretty much dwindled, which pissed Hattie off even more.

No family support meant no money, and getting married into the Pennyfeather family just meant she was at their mercy, right?

Neil seemed to be quite into Lillian and had several arguments with his parents over her.

right after Lillian gave birth, Neil took her off to Greenfield. Everyone was sure they were living hard in Greenfield and thus stopped contacting them to avoid them asking for

he actually moved into a mansion

contacted them for all these years!

was fuming as if her own money had been

the couch, “Weren’t you the one who said that we shouldn’t contact each

spat out when they were swinging brooms at people back

shone brightly as she stared down

that people of no worth shouldn’t be stepping foot

froze. She had said those words and

parents clearly didn’t raise you right. Well,

for a wife to be hit by her mother–in–law. Hattie had a fair share

for more grandkids. She urged Lillian to have another one right after she gave birth to the first and suggested discarding the newborn daughter.

quite a few abandoned baby girls at the hospital back then, as every

place, the

this ridiculous, but she also wanted to know why

Maja, but Maja

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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