Chapter 341

Once upon a time, she would stop at nothing to become a designer.

Now she no longer wanted to be a designer and had given up without a second thought.

Maja didn’t notice him stop or halt in time and ran into his back, aching all over from the impact.

“Spill the beans.”

His tone was flat but much colder than usual.

“I’m always getting hassled by Carlene and Dana, and I worry my luck won’t hold up like today.”

She was speaking the truth. If Dana kept coming at her like this and kept getting bailed out, she wasn’t sure how many more times she could handle it.

lan had already entered the elevator, and she followed in as well.

“What went down today?”

“Mr. Raymond, you bailed Dana out. Didn’t you know she and I were at odds? She tried to frame me at the villa a few days ago but failed, and I let it slide. Then Carlene brought two guys to deal with me. My friends rescued me, but I hurt my neck, and I just took off the bandages today. So I couldn’t hold back at the hospital, and I laid my hands on her. This afternoon, Dana attacked me with a dagger, I dodged, but less than half an hour later, you personally went to bail her out. My family can’t compete with the Shepard family or with yours, so I’d rather keep my distance.”

By now, the elevator had reached the underground garage.

lan looked at her; she kept her head down, not looking up.

her chin, forcing

elevator was small, filled with his domineering presence.

“Are you crying?”

wasn’t crying; she just felt more and

Neil Pennyfeather hadn’t woken up yet; the Pennyfeather family might face bankruptcy, and she hadn’t

you cry

to move

pulled back just

tell me when I asked the injury on your neck?”

two guys have already left the



his eyebrows, then lowered his lids, looking seriously at her.

never thought that.”

her throat, and she was at a loss

really thought Carlene was 100% right, he wouldn’t have just

outside made Maja snap back to reality.

besides, lan had the ability

tried to apologize, but lan was

“Get in.”

had been quite assertive before but now sobered up, feeling a bit guilty.

into the car.

the driver’s seat, starting to

what Dana did today; I’ll inform the Shepard family later and have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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