Chapter 449

For the next bit, lan was sorting through some work stuff while Maja whipped out her laptop, both of them keeping silent.

Two hours later, someone came knocking on their door, telling them it was time to hit the road.

lan first put down his laptop, didn’t give Maja a shout, and just took off on his own.

Maja got the message–she’d been left in the dust by lan.

But she couldn’t care less, because she didn’t really fancy going anyway.

She could hear the sound of a car engine starting up outside, and it seemed like someone was asking for her, but lan just said, “She’s feeling under the weather.”

This led to a deeper misunderstanding about her.

Maja remotely handled her company’s business and just sat there waiting for lan to return.

But up until three hours later, the car lan was in still hadn’t returned.

It was getting dark, and this darkness didn’t feel like a regular nightfall; it felt as if something was covering up the whole world.

Maja instantly realized that this was a tornado!


She quickly ran outside, but everyone else had already left. The villa was only left with a few servants who were totally clueless about the situation. She called lan, but no one picked up.

She instantly felt a wave of anxiety and quickly got into her car, driving towards a location mentioned by the person in charge!

this time, lan was in the car on his way home, and looking at the

person in charge also looked pretty

haven’t seen in ten years is about to

the driver in front, was also really tense and fully focused on driving the

car just missed them.

documents and didn’t pay attention to his phone,

arrived at the

covered in a thick

stand it. He thought it was dirty, so he decided to go to his room and take

when he realized that Maja wasn’t in the room, his brows furrowed, and

“Where is she?”

the lady asked about your destination, then she went back to her room.”

quickly checked his phone, only to

returned a call, and the other end picked up.

are you?”

pitch black, and the small house didn’t have a

“Mr. Raymond.”

“Where are you?”

face turned serious; he was getting a bit frustrated

reveal her location; instead, she let

know you’re safe,


than the one from ten years ago; it could even blow down trees. If she were outside right now,

by lan’s frantic voice

“I’m in Riverfield.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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