Chapter 459

Samuel was adamant about keeping Maja’s identity under wraps.


He’d already done one dumb thing last time; he couldn’t afford to screw up again and hand Maja over to lan on a silver platter.

Wasn’t lan supposed to be into Carlene?

Well then, he can keep his mitts on Carlene!

Maja wasn’t part of the Raymond family.

Samuel was ready for this. He took Maja to a private makeup studio.

The makeup artist worked her magic, painting Maja’s face with loads of pimples, topping it off with a bulky hat, and even dressing her in a brown and green outfit. Her aesthetic was beyond comprehension.

Maja caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, now sporting black–framed glasses and bangs covering her face, with only her mouth and a few “pimples” visible.

Samuel stood behind her, marveling at the transformation.

“Even your dad wouldn’t recognize you if he was standing right in front of you. Just say you’re allergic to pollen.”

Maja glanced at the time. That crowd must be getting antsy. So she picked up the painting.

“I’ve got to bail.”

“I’ll walk you there.”

Samuel, being the drama–loving guy that he is, wouldn’t miss this show for the world.

family’s place. Maja got out first, leaving Samuel behind to

she walked in with the painting, she saw the twenty–something

any rumors.

the middle was a four–meter–long table,

voice lower than usual, ignoting

laugh at

what’s your

want to infect any of you

to lift her mask

felt a wave of nausea and hummed coldly

it on. Everyone here is of higher stature than you.”

painting in

painting was torn in two, with a gap in the middle. She placed it on

so alike that the onlookers couldn’t tell

stood tall and caught Carlene walking out of the corner of

the nines and couldn’t help but chuckle at

this was lan’s

bit of skin she showed was all pimples. It

instantly. Unless lan was blind, he’d know who to

over to stand out against Maja’s shabby appearance.

that she was the one who deserved

Carlene. it’s nice to

Carlene’s extravagant attire,

trying to split me and my husband up. I heard about how you got a tongue–lashing from Grandpa Holden when -you went to Rosewood


went quiet.

force. She turned pale and blurted out, “I’m not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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