Chapter 477

He looked at lan, who was sitting in his office chair.

Since lan had invested in Tyler’s script, deciding to dive into the entertainment industry, Tyler was there to meet the director lan had recommended and to meet lan himself.

“Your wife’s quite the powerhouse, huh?”

lan was on an overseas call, motioning for Tyler to find a seat.

Seeing that lan was busy, Tyler didn’t say anything else and just sat down on a couch.

But lan’s call went on for two hours; he was constantly giving orders to the other end, the frown on his face deepening.

Jeff walked in.

“Boss, the plane leaves in three hours.”

lan put down his phone, massaging his temples.

“Make sure all the bigwigs on that end are waiting.”

Jeff nodded and began to tidy up some documents.

Only then did lan turn to Tyler. “What were you saying just now?”

Tyler didn’t go on about Maja; anyone could see that something was going wrong with the overseas company. “Going abroad?”


lan was already getting up and heading to his private room to shower and change.


tactfully didn’t disturb him further, and lan only took half an hour to groom himself. As he was about to get in

more time.

from her, only from business partners and upper management.

eyes, and he

out of

should take about two days; get plane tickets

“Sure thing, boss.”


didn’t know either.

to RosenGarden, but Maria

you. We haven’t had any thieves

was immediately alerted to

these past few days and nearly forgot about the break–in

stolen; what were they looking

it coming

checked the surveillance cameras she had installed inside

had been

that her place had been broken into, Maja felt a

to her bedroom, constantly fearing someone


she had nowhere to go. If these people were really after her, then the Pennyfeather family’s villa was no longer safe.

it was a place Holden had prepared for

Rosewood Manor was that she might

lan didn’t seem so terrifying anymore.

product ad not far away. She

period was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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