Chapter 484

A meeting that was supposed to last a few hours had been stretched out by another three.

All the top brass in the room could feel it; lan was in a foul mood. His face was an icy mask, which had everyone too scared to say anything unnecessary. lan himself didn’t know why, but a wave of restlessness had suddenly washed over him, leaving him feeling far from his usual cool self,

But he managed to keep a steady demeanor, staring at the PowerPoint presentation. It was quite a while before he finally broke the silence: “End the meeting. Send two people to negotiate with the other company.”

The executives in the room breathed a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat off their foreheads..

lan stood up and strode out of the room, with Jeff following closely behind him.

lan had flown overseas and hadn’t even had time to adjust to the time difference before diving straight into the meeting, which had lasted until now.

But the overseas business was far from over. His eyes betrayed a hint of fatigue as he accepted the mobile phone Jeff handed him.

“Mr. Raymond, do you want to eat something?”

lan shook his head, rubbing his forehead.

“You go rest. When you wake up, prepare the materials needed for tomorrow. We’ll delay our return by a week.”


After Jeff left, lan took a shower. When he came out, he was drying his hair with a towel while checking his phone.

The inexplicable restlessness still enveloped him. He frowned, put down his phone, and picked up a hairdryer.

But seeing the hairdryer, he couldn’t help but think of that night when Penny had dried his hair for him and how well–behaved she had been at work.

the hairdryer, and flopped down onto the bed.

going to sleep with wet hair, coupled with a lack of

the materials needed for today’s meeting. Seeing lan’s pale

shook his head. “Let’s go.”

days would be very busy for him. One meeting after another, he had no time to think

had knocked on her door earlier, but after getting no answer,

letter she was

the words blurred,

unfolded the letter, smoothed it out, and carefully put

up, she slowly freshened up. Looking at her pale face in the mirror, she suddenly remembered the


no side

a good sleep. She

she was brushing her teeth and looking in the mirror, tears started to

were swollen, a

help but cough a few times, swallowing a mouthful of toothpaste foam in the

for a

when she saw

Pennyfeather, what

the excuse she had prepared.

dream. I dreamed that

in relief and quickly brought

I hope it will help boost your energy. You should go back to Rosewood Manor and

in her throat

Thank you.

the mood to go to the

is Coco locked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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