Chapter 486

The store clerk excitedly wrapped the bracelet in a very sophisticated box.

Buying something in person was a first for lan; he usually delegated these tasks to Jeff.

Jeff couldn’t help asking, “Mr. Raymond, is this for Miss Penny?”

Casually gifting what could buy a villa in Greenfield.

lan stiffened a bit, then quickly shook his head and said, “No.”

Jeff just looked at him but didn’t call him out..

Carrying the gift, Jeff was still dealing with the check while lan went upstairs with a group of executives.

The executives breathed a sigh of relief and continued their previous conversation.

lan, having bought the gift, was noticeably in a better mood. No longer gloomy.

A week later, lan returned to Greenfield.

He had brought the gift with him, and as soon as he got off the plane, he turned on his phone.

During the week, aside from a few friends and partners, no one else called him.

did call once, but she just spouted some nonsense and hung up.

looked and looked, but there were no messages from Penny.

he wondered if he had accidentally

But he hadn’t.

Raymond Corporation and sat in

a message to Penny.

me before if I wanted to set up a

was something Maja had asked a long time


the affairs of Pennyfeather Group executives when she saw the message.

candidates one by one; she couldn’t afford to slack

It was as if she was using work to distract herself so that she could

now, facing lan’s message, she started to zone out

him the most,

to call him, but he didn’t

a stab in

wanted to ask lan if he really hated

never bothered him, she didn’t know why he was so

coffee next to her

kilograms in a

have an abortion without her consent made her feel like she was no

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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