Chapter 509

The doctor was a bit puzzled, as it seemed that lan really cared for that lady. Could it be that, as the CEO of the Raymond Group, he had no clue what liking

someone meant?

But the doctor didn’t say more, he just left cautiously.

lan sat there, not wanting to go anywhere. He thought that if he saw Tyler or Fitch at this moment, his pride would take a hit.

So he just sat there until 5 a.m, his body cold and his anger spent, before he finally returned to his room.

The room was dead quiet when he opened the door.

Jan thought Maja had left, after all, she could go directly to the underground parking lot by elevator

But when he went to his bedroom to change his clothes, he saw a lump on the bed and instantly froze

This was his room.

Even though he had left in a huff, Maja had comfortably spent the night here.

His anger, just spent, flared up again.

He walked straight up, intending to yank off her blanket.

She should have gone back to her own home to sleep.

But just before he could act, he saw her face peeking out. She had become thinner, her chin pointed

He stopped his hand, stood up straight, opened the closet, and picked out his clothes for the day.

After changing, he didn’t look at Maja again, he just grabbed the documents on the coffee table and left.

was taken aback when he saw the clear five–finger imprints on lan’s cheek, wondering if Maja was still

had ever dared treat him like this, let alone being slapped

steering wheel, he couldn’t

Raymond, is Miss Penny all right?”

of Penny made lan

feeling in his chest

good, prepare an urn for her.”

his lips; honestly, that’s what he

leaned back in his chair and closed his

up some food for her later, make

the rearview mirror and couldn’t

you could try to find

lan just chuckled

yours saw that

and immediately shut up.

out lan’s orders; if lan asked him to investigate, he

feelings for Maja, so Jeff didn’t

at the building, feeling annoyed.

crying, his heart ached all over

dramatic emotional swing, so he closed his eyes, trying to calm himself

the company.”


Maja got a call from Tyler.

the money arrive?”

then remembered that she was to invest in Tyler’s TV show. She

transfer it to you right

Tyler chuckled

have a

up on him, probably guessing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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