Chapter 548

Chapter 548

An hour ago, this was the situation. lan was still missing, and all of Greenfield was deep into chaos. The Raymonds had sent out everyone they could to look for him, and even Fitch from the Haskins family had personally joined the search.


But the sudden overnight rain had stalled the search efforts.

Then, Edith and Selena got word from Carlene. Turns out, lan went missing because of Maja. He had decided to go to the neighboring city for an auction.

Upon hearing this, the two women were beyond livid and went to confront Maja immediately.

“You bloody wretch! Come out!” Selena was banging on Maja’s bedroom door. “If we can’t save lan, you and your entire Pennyfeather family are going down with


Selena had already lost one son, and she couldn’t bear the thought of losing lan. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, wishing she could break down the door.

was already aching and the insults only made her feel like her head was about to burst. She stuffed some earplugs in and curled up under her covers. Selena scolded for a while, then returned to the living room, panting, and asked her people, “Have you dug up everything on the Pennyfeathers?”

handed over all the information they had on Maja’s parents and even her uncles and aunts.


Who is

quickly replied, “That’s

if she



dialed Steve Raymond’s number, Steve was Selena’s husband and

Get back here and explain this to me. Why didn’t you stop lan’s wedding to Maja? Did you know all along that Maja was that bitch’s daughter? Come back

she angrily swept everything off the coffee table. The fruit bowl, the teapot, everything

she knew who Selena was referring to. Years ago, her son had fallen for a girl from a small town

thing was a big mess. Ultimately, Edith had to intervene, threatening to take her

for the other woman, she never seemed to have left that small town.

years ago, Crystalbrook Valley was much less developed than it is now. There were no roads to the city, and you had to cross mountains

was away for half a year and, due to the inconvenience, he never came back. He was only nineteen years old then and was engaged

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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