Chapter 626

lan was still fuming, pissed off to the max because Maja voluntarily left that place.

But he was good at hiding his feelings, so he just kept a straight face and continued working, planning to give her a piece of his mind later.

However, by the time he was clocking off, he got a call from Raymond Mansion.

Edith sounded a bit down in the dumps.

“lan, I messed up last time, and I’ve thought it through,” She said..

lan wasn’t really buying that Edith had had an epiphany.

Edith had always been all about Enc. After Eric’s accident, Edith had stormed off in a huff, gone for six years.

How could someone who played favorites like that suddenly see the light?

But then Edith said something that made lan sit up and take notice.

“I’ve got some of Enc’s stuff here. Come and take a look and grab a bite with me while you’re at it.”

lan had never felt any family love from Edith, but he could also hear Selena’s voice over the phone..

“lan, we both want to apologize to you.”

Hearing this, lan couldn’t help but think back to a long time ago.

Eric had been kidnapped, and the Raymond family was all over the place. He could remember Edith and Selena arguing with people, crying and asking, “Why did they have to take Eric? What will we do if something happens to him.”

Edith was especially distraught, “Tell the kidnappers to take lan instead, they’re both Raymond kids, they’re worth the same!”

was just a kid back then, standing

“Eric, my Eric!”

start negotiating with the kidnappers, trying to trade lan for Eric, but the

total chaos. lan was too young to fully understand what was going on, but being a kid, he got hungry fast. He

eating?! Do you

spilled onto lan’s hand.

lan looked up at

gaze, she took a step back, and then

the kidnappers had agreed to the trade, he would’ve been shipped off without a second

when someone suggested trading Maja for Carlene, he agreed

learned from the

anything useless, even family.

Edith sobbing on the phone, lan felt a pang.

can haunt a

wondered what made him so different from Eric.

you’re coming home tonight, right?” Edith asked cautiously.

lan nodded, “Yeah.”

work, lan didn’t let Maja drive him home, instead he

care of, so she went over to the

into Shawn who was

Shawn was mostly back to normal, he was still a bit traumatized

want you to meet; have

directed Palace

accused of misconduct towards female actors, which tanked his reputation His wife also left him with the kids. Penny, I ran into Meetman in a bar. He’s hit rock bottom, but I still believe in his talent. You mentioned the show at a meeting once, I don’t think Meetman would do something like that, if

opinion of Meetman. But his

has something to do with Carlene’s friend Laura, because Meetman’s

Maja’s eyes flashed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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