Chapter 640

Maja bumped into lan’s car on her drive back from the hospital.

lan’s car was parked by an alley, its windows shattered to pieces.

Her heart started to pound rapidly.

Maja quickly dialed lan’s number, but there was no reply.

She then called Jeff, who told her that lan planned to drive back to the hotel on his own that night.

In a hurry, Maja got out of her car. After a moment of thought, she decided to venture deeper into the alley.

The far end of the alley was damp, there were flickering lights, obviously neglected for years.

There were men lying on the ground, their blood pooling together.

Maja’s legs gave out as a bullet whizzed past her.

Frozen in place, she waited until a man slowly emerged from the shadows. She leaned against the wall, standing under the flickering streetlamp.

The bullet had grazed her hair and embedded itself in the wall behind her.

to even speak, especially when she

surprised to see her there.

realized it was her, the bullet had already strayed from its intended path. Otherwise, she

just scared by the sight of the bodies, and then blurted out, “What are you doing here?” “Mr. Raymond, are

stiffened, his grip on the gun tightening.

a sea of blood, she herself had nearly been shot, yet she

people would’ve screamed at the sight, maybe

lit a cigarette, and

indeed shaken her, but she had an

Raymond. They were hoping for lan to step down from his position as CEO

lan had lost his memory

against the wall, even worrying that lan

cigarette onto one of the dead

run, the light above her seemed to

next second, her chin was lifted by the barrel of a

was loaded, didn’t dare to move, she could even feel

looking up at lan.

fell on her chest, recalling something Ryan had said.

buried his face in her chest before?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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