Chapter 643

Right now, Harden dared not make a move and could only stay at home.

Back when she divorced Meetman, she fought tooth and nail for custody of their child, who was actually not Meetman’s but hers with another man. She had more than just one lover, she also had her assistant. She had been seeing them behind Meetman’s back, who was completely in the dark about it. Even the father of the child that Harden gave birth to was unknown. Wouldn’t leaving the child with Meetman just serve as evidence against her?

Now, Harden was down and out. After this incident, she had no chance of bouncing back.

But she still hoped to use the child to make her case.

She immediately posted an update: Even if I did wrong, how is the child to blame? Meetman, do you not care at all about the child’s wellbeing? The child is ours and you’ve never been involved in their upbringing. Yet you still want to destroy my career. I really don’t know what you’re thinking.

Comments on her post quickly surpassed ten thousand, all of them lambasting Harden.

Then, Meetman posted a new update: The child is not mine. I had a paternity test done with the child’s hair a long time ago. Harden, now you’re using the child to make your case, it’s like slapping me in the face again. As a man, I’ve lost everything because of you, been pushed into the abyss, and even the child I loved isn’t mine. And yet, you’ve never felt you were in the wrong.

Throughout the incident, Meetman didn’t rage or curse, he just presented his evidence.

Even now, facing the accusations from Harden, he still didn’t seem to lose his composure..

But words were powerful.

From his latest update, everyone could feel his deep sorrow.

And so, Harden was lambasted by everyone once again.

too, so she decided to

prevent her from going to jail. Now that

time, let alone getting involved in Laura’s affairs. Plus, if it wasn’t for that couple

kicked them out

he could pick himself up and start his career

also people in the entertainment industry speaking up

the wave of his popularity. After all, no one had stood up for him when he was down and out.

had seen through

noon, when the comments on his latest post surpassed a million, he posted a new update: I won’t give up on

more comments, but Meetman stopped reading them and focused on recovering.

Maja paying his medical


re–burying Neil’s ashes, Maja returned to

so her head was pounding. Every time she closed her eyes, she imagined the scene where she ran into lan in

blood. She remembered the gun in his hand slowly lowering and the moment he bent down to kiss her chest.

Maria made, she finally decided to go to sleep.

Maja at this time that the renovation project at Greenfield

designer, Maja had the

quickly freshened up and drove to Greenfield

all eagerly

would have two to three hundred workers bustling about, but Silverstone Enterprises had assembled a staggering four hundred workers for the Greenfield Gardens project.

of receiving Maja was

to check on the progress of the project. If

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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