Chapter 664

Only after all the students in the classroom had cleared out did Erlinda, dragging her tired feet, trail behind Nolan.

Nolan, now 50, was no spring chicken. His temples were completely gray.

They bumped into many people along the way, all of whom greeted him politely.

But once they stepped into Nolan’s private office, his smile vanished. He jerked his chin, signaling Erlinda to take a seat.

Erlinda was only twenty years old this year and was a Junior in college.

Erlinda slowly made her way to a chair, her calves trembling in fear.

“You saw Penny earlier, didn’t you? Did you give her the script?”

“Yes, I did‘

With that, Erlinda lowered her head, afraid to meet Nolan’s eyes.

Nolan nodded in satisfaction, suddenly patting her shoulder.

“Erlinda, you didn’t gab too much, did you?”

startled Erlinda, causing her to


leaned in to

a minor player, she can’t do much damage. What did

She asked me to make

Erlinda swallowed hard.

Nolan’s brow, and he snorted, “Of course she wouldn’t. I just gave it to her to keep her sweet. After all, to keep Mr. Sanders happy, I had to throw her a bone. You

he placed his hand on Erlinda’s thigh.

She shivered again.

see her so scared of him. He withdrew his hand, then placed it at the back of her neck, sliding it down to her shoulder

lately. Eat up when you get

sat there, pale–faced, clutching her books, hoping the time would pass

the eye of the Raymond Corporation. They’re looking to invest


give you a

out of her wits, “I have stuff

second, she was being choked, adding more bruises to the collection.

possibly have to do? Your father’s just a private school teacher, up to his ears in grading papers. Your mom’s probably still out on her delivery route. You only have one class tonight. You used to get home even later

knew all about Erlinda’s

families were easy

powerful than themselves, they cowered in fear, unable to fight back. All that left was the endless

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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