Chapter 683

He was excited as hell inside, but maintained a cool exterior, even pretending to be disappointed.

Feynman’s heart skipped a beat in an instant.

“What’s up, Professor Smith? Got a problem?”

Nolan glanced at Erlinda’s portrait, with no sympathy, only thought this family was dumber than a bag of hammers.

“Mr. Frost, let’s not talk shop at Erlinda’s funeral. I’m afraid my critique may have been a bit too harsh, may even disturb her peace in death. Let’s just be here for Erlinda today. As for the script, I’ll reach out to some investors when I get back but I can’t make any promises. Don’t worry, it’s Erlinda’s plece, I’ll do my best to attract investors.”

Feynman started sighing, Erlinda’s mother was crying on the side.

“Professor Smith, thank you. You’re a real stand–up guy. Erlinda was always a handful; glad this didn’t add to your troubles.

Nolan patted Feynman’s shoulder gently.

The funeral wasn’t very crowded, Erlinda was always a shy one, not many friends at school.

The funeral was simple and to the point.

When Feynman and Jean got back to their room, they found Maja waiting at their door.

Feynman was already down in the dumps from losing his daughter, seeing this woman there just added insult to the injury.

He grabbed a broom nearby and charged at Maja.

probably you who killed Erlinda! How could you show your face

eyes were

looking at this stubborn

that they did nothing

these parents were

out the recording.


heard by anyone else; it will tarnish Erlinda’s reputation. But she wanted these two

before I could, tragedy struck. Look at


on the


Smith, please, don’t.”

many times, you should be used to it by now.”


as I tell you. You know what will happen

her, they trusted Nolan more

followed by Nolan’s scolding, his

couple in front of her, a faint smile curling up at the corner

I heard she jumped off the building after suffering a trauma. You even invited that scumbag Nolan to her funeral. Aren’t you afraid of ruining her funeral? You really


took out the letter Erlinda had written to her and

bring Nolan down. When I received the letter and tried to contact her, she had already met with the

after reading it, began to cry loudly.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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