Chapter 721

Funfly immediately called Maja.

“Listen here, Ms. Pennyfeather, what you did was pretty low, even for you. But here’s the thing, I hold all the cards for approval. Let me make it clear, everything that your Star Movie group shoots will never get through the approval process! Maja, you’ve brought this on yourself! Just watch me run your company into the ground!”

In the movie business, if all of Star Movie group’s work failed to get approved, it will be in deep trouble.

“Ms. Darcy, you’re throwing your weight around. If word gets out, it won’t do your image any favors, will it?”

“You’ve been a thorn in my side for a while now, and if it wasn’t for your buddy Holden, I would’ve taken you down a peg a long time ago!”

Funfly was so mad that she was practically shaking. The thought that she almost fell for Maja’s scheme gave her the chills.

Simstar Entertainment had made a big fuss about promoting The Storm. In the end, it was all thanks to Maja, the thought of which really ground her gears.

In all her years in the business, she had never been played like this before.

“Maja, mark my words, I’ll make sure you’re finished in this industry!”

If their productions can’t pass the approval, it’s like cutting off Star Movie group’s lifeline.

Funfly smirked, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

the disconnected call, deep in

obviously guessed what was going on and was getting anxious, “Ms. Pennyfeather, what are we going to do now?” They had already spent a great deal of time, money, and effort on this project. If they really fail to get the approval, it would be like handing Funfly the keys to the kingdom. Right now, the first five sample episodes were in Funfly’s hands; she could

and continue shooting. I’ll have

confidence, Meetman felt

reason, he had complete

left, Maja

oversee it. Start by posting that Star Movie group is suing Simstar Entertainment. The

pressured into approving the

applied for an account, and posted the

Entertainment was a big domestic company. From the public’s point of view, a small company like Star Movie group


was more interesting was that Simstar Entertainment retweeted the lawsuit news in no time, and even replied,

got netizens

are Star Movie group? Never

trying to target Simstar Entertainment? Accusing Simstar Entertainment’s

Movie group is just trying to scare Simstar Entertainment, but Simstar Entertainment is standing their

Entertainment, so under Star

doubt and accusations.

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Movie group posted

expected, there were more doubts under the post, and the whole thing even made it to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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