Chapter 726

When lan saw the picture, he nearly jumped out of his skin.

He called Tyler, but Tyler had seen Maja leave first, so when asked where the two were, he could only reply, “Just left, I have no idea.”

“Were they together?”

It’s common knowledge that Beck was a playboy with a list of ex–girlfriends.

What did it mean that Maja was hanging out with a guy like that?

He felt a fire rising in his chest. He’d tried several times to ask her out, but she was always “busy.” Yet she found the time to grab a meal with Beck!

Jealousy surged within him, and he couldn’t help but call Maja again.

But this time, Maja was back at Rosewood Manor, having a bite to eat and ready to hit the sack.

Her stomach was bothering her, and she was tired. All she wanted was to curl up in bed.

lan called once, then twice.

Maja was irritated. This man was so fickle, constantly changing his mood. What the hell did he want?!

“Mr. Raymond.”

come out. I need to talk to

the time on her phone. It was nearly

the nerve to bother people

took a deep breath. She could feel

got out of bed, got dressed, and

Greenfield Gardens. He was out drinking

describing the way Beck had looked

see the picture I sent you? The way Beck was looking at her like

“Buzz off!”

bit weak, like she was

and a wave of unease swept

a bit more than

later, he put

“No way!”

he said it, he looked at Tyler.

looked puzzled, “No way,

she’s lost interest in me.“.

head and started comparing himself and

ex–girlfriends. Maja doesn’t strike me as the kind of person who likes to make

never been married. You, on the other hand, are on your second marriage.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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