Chapter 797

When Maja visited Leo’s hospital room for the second time, she unexpectedly bumped into some folks delivering a check, with a lawyer leading the pack.

She had seen this lawyer a long time ago when he came to deliver her divorce papers.

They must be lan’s people. But why would lan’s people show up in Leo’s hospital room?

The lawyer approached Leo’s bedside; explaining the importance of the matter. In a nutshell, he was saying not to call the cops and that things could be taken care of financially.

“Mr. Elston, here’s thirty grand. We hope you can keep this under wraps.”

Leo was out of it. He was hiding under his blanket at the sight of strangers.

He didn’t even know what a check was. He just wanted to hide, fearing his other leg would get chopped off too.

Maja watched it all from the sidelines and got the picture,

The deed was indeed done by the Raymond family, but now they wanted to just pay him off?!

She flashed a cold smile, “Whose name is on this check?“”

The lawyer seemed to notice her only then and answered truthfully, “Mr. Raymond.”

Maja wasn’t surprised. After all, it was totally something someone like lan.could do.

She took the check, ripped it to pieces, and flung it right at the lawyer’s face.

my cousin’s

there were surveillance cameras. If there weren’t any cameras at

in silent

Her emotions have been unstable recently.”

fell silent at the mention of Connie.

had made Connie hate her through and through.

reason for Connie to

you’re all here, it means there must have

lawyer didn’t

“I’m going to use these pieces of evidence

soon as she finished, the lawyer quickly retorted, “It was the bodyguard who did it. Even if you sue Ms. Connie, it’ll be of no use.

takes the fall.”

felt sick to her stomach. She’d had enough of these people’s high

lan that if he wants to compensate him, make it two million!”

respond. Once he left the corridor, he

demanding two million

not to get too greedy, or they

up, the lawyer relayed lan’s words.

was so angry that she almost started laughing,

I hope you reconsider.”

after saying his piece. The torn

pale. After hearing sobs from under the blanket, she asked worriedly,

to, realizing that he had lost his leg.

leg’s gone…

losing a leg was weighing heavily on him; his only support was to find Maja

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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