Chapter 801

lan’s face was stone cold. He gently touched his cheek, speaking in an icy tone.

“If my brother knew I gave up my shares for the one I fancy, he’d probably be chuffed.”

Maureen was speechless, opening her mouth but with no words coming out.

In the Raymond family, no one was ever head over heels in love. Like Dennis and Carl, they all had other women.

Who would’ve thought lan was willing to make such a sacrifice for Maja?

lan lifted his head, glancing at everyone present.

“I’ll have Jeff handle the share transfer. Notify me once the emergency situation here is over.”

With that, he turned to leave.

Unable to hold back, Maureen asked, “That’s your mother lying in there, lan. Can’t you even bear to stay a little longer?”

“Auntie, I standing here won’t change the outcome of the emergency.”

A chill ran down Maureen’s spine. She realized she really didn’t understand this kid.

He appeared naive to the ways of the world, yet he handled everything in the Raymond family with ease.

usual emotions towards

he was willing to make such a sacrifice for Maja. Didn’t he realize what this sacrifice

liked her, even loved

he just didn’t want Maja to be

into his car, he

learn something from this experience. A bit of suffering at the police station

her there for a few days before getting her out; she might be more grateful

strategy he often used in business, letting subordinates struggle a bit more so they’d be more loyal.

he drove back to the Raymond family’s place,

the steering wheel, he realized

heartless woman. If he went to the police station to rescue her

when she was most

family under control. No one would go to the police station to bother her; at most, she’d just be questioned by the police,

himself from going to the police station, lan scheduled several meetings

station, the harsh lights preventing her from resting. It was like being locked in

Did you guys have any previous disputes? Think carefully before you answer; every word you say can be used as evidence.” Maja tried to open her eyes

hours of questioning, she was

there was a narrow bed in the room where she

the bed, reflecting on the day’s events.

building; Connie framed her for self–harm; and the situation outside

against the wall, trying to recall everything that happened at the Raymond family’s, but the more she thought, the heavier her heart became.

Raymond family would definitely pin all the blame on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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