Chapter 823

lan was a bit peeved, but considering his past behavior toward her, getting mad at her would only invite a slap in the face.

He was in bed, constantly refreshing her Facebook page. Then he saw Tyler had left her a message.

So your dog’s gone missing? No wonder lan suddenly asked us all to go find it ]

Seeing this message, lan felt a bit better.

He refreshed the page again and saw another comment from Tyler.

[if he’s helping you look for your dog, just know that he’s seriously allergic to dog hair.]

lan felt even better, a small smile curling at his lips.

Maja had just finished dealing with her stuff and was about to collapse into bed when she saw Tyler’s two comments.

She was reminded of lan’s help tonight

After a few seconds of hesitation, she sent him a message.

[Thank you]

The simple words of gratitude instantly calmed lan’s anger.

Seemed like she still had a conscience.

He kept his eyes on his phone, expecting her to ask a few questions politely.

Like, Mr. Raymond, how are you feeling?] [Are you still in the hospital?]

But she didn’t. He received no more messages.

so quiet he wondered

sending that message, her phone slipping out of her hand and onto

up, it was already past ten in the morning.

light–headed and almost fell down the stairs after having

face, Maria touched her forehead.

running a fever. Just having cold medicine won’t help!

to the office later, but then she

Wilma’s in trouble!”

eyes wide and checked Twitter’s

top trend was: Wilma being a diva.

accompanied by a video.

video, Wilma slapped the second female lead

members gathered around, but Wilma pointed at the second female lead, almost losing her composure out of rage.

furrowed as she saw the particularly large number of comments

saying she dropped out of college, was expelled for drinking

a high popularity, so the comments

was expelled for drinking and fighting was enough to make people look down

Movie group didn’t make an explanation, then Wilma was finished, and netizens would no longer watch any drama she starred

and immediately headed to

already waiting for her there,

checked Wilma’s information during her

for drinking and

She only told me

charged much higher tuition than undergraduate schools, so



just browsed Twitter again.

have been targeted intentionally, and we should

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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