Chapter 846

The EcoTraverse Group’s latest move to seek collaboration with a Windhelm company had stirred up a whole can of worms.

After all the big cheese of the EcoTraverse Group had always been one to keep his nose in the air, typically only keeping alliances with Windhelm companies for a fleeting six months. But in this agreement, he’s surprisingly willing to pass up all future collaboration opportunities for the EcoTraverse Group to the Raymond Corporation.

If lan pulled this off, the profits he’d rake in for the Raymond Corporation would be a far cry from the company’s initial investment.

But pulling it off would mean he’d have to pay through the nose.

The stakes were sky–high for the EcoTraverse Group this time. If lan can score a 5% stake in the EcoTraverse Group, he’d hit the jackpot. It’s like betting the company’s farm, he must be out of his gourd. And lan, agreeing to this deal, didn’t seem to be playing with a full deck either.

It’s as if two high flying investors were duking it out, and the outcome will have a ripple effect on the economies of the two countries.

So when Maureen found out that lan agreed to sign the deal, she thought he’d lost his marbles.

Even if he’s in hot water with the company’s bigwigs, there’s no need to go in whole hog on such a big gamble!

knew what kind of game the EcoTraverse Group was

went to have a chinwag with lan, but when she entered his office,

off abroad at noon to sign the

She tried to give lan a bell, but he wasn’t picking up.

the office, she bumped

on cloud nine at the


for her shares, concocting all sorts of excuses.

the terms Dennis was

to a grasshopper, and she just can’t stomach the thought of


under wraps. If they’re proposing this deal,

was the condition put forth by the EcoTraverse Group. If the deal went south, lan would lose 20%

already given up 10%. If he gave up another 20%, he’d be left with a measly

in the business world for the big shot of the EcoTraverse Group and lan to use their stakes as bargaining chips.

so chuffed, Maureen had a sinking feeling that

your share is nearly enough. You’ll soon have more say

grinning from ear to ear, seemingly not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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