Chapter 905

lan’s eyes were boiling with rage. He looked around for a while but didn’t see Maja anywhere, so he decided to keep moving. But Coco seemed unwilling to leave, as if he wouldn’t go home without finding his owner.

“Coco,” he called out coldly, “let’s go. If you don’t come, I’m leaving you behind.

But Coco just sat on the lawn. Soaked through from the rain, he didn’t budge, even though he loved lan dearly.

They had a standoff for a while, but in the end, lan caved. He took off his suit and wrapped Coco in it, carrying on with a stern face.

lan could understand his boss being ticked off at him, but a dog defying him was a new one. It irked him, but he understood that Coco was just worried about his owner.

Dogs had a clumsy way of showing loyalty sometimes. Some dogs would sleep on their owner’s grave after they passed away. They understood what death meant, and they just couldn’t articulate it.

on, he ran into Jeff driving back. “Boss, Ms.

something could’ve happened to Maja.

surveillance around here

holding Goco, he worried about his allergies. Ian carefully put Coco into the car and climbed in after

rain, refusing to come in. Ian left it be and went to take a shower, waiting for some news. When he came out, Coco. was still at the door, seemingly

Ms. Pennyfeather’s phone, but we think it could be a decoy. We’ve also got a rough idea of where the kidnappers are. They’ve been

got up, taking Coco with him to follow the lead.

corner. Even if not everywhere, it was enough to trace the kidnappers‘ route.

towards the destination. But the further they went, the graver lan’s expression became. The place was not just deep into the mountains, and the kidnappers were still on the move, apparently not at their destination yet.

outskirts of another city. Surrounding them were many abandoned villages, their roads torn apart

car could go no further, they were fortunate to have brought along a dozen helicopters. As

it felt like a punch to his gut Despite their efforts, they still had no trace of Maja. There were seventy to eighty people on the ground searching, along with a dozen police dogs. lan’s face turned colder.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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