Chapter 959

He found a new spot to settle in, his expression icy.

“lan, you should recognize the gentleman sitting next to you. He’s the general manager of EcoTraverse Group.”

lan leaned back in his chair; the outline of his muscular frame faintly visible beneath his suit.

“I know,”

He responded tersely and then turned his attention to the general manager and said,

“We just signed a wager agreement not long ago.”

Dennis chuckled coldly.

“I’m glad that you remember. The wager agreement between you and the general manager is about to expire. According to our agreement, if you fail to purchase 5% of EcoTraverse Group’s shares/you’ll have to sell your 20% shares in Raymond Corporation.”

“I do know that,”

lan’s demeanor remained cool, which was somewhat irritating to those who wanted to see lan’s downfall.

Despite Dennis‘ grand display of power, lan seemed disinterested, almost as though he was asking to experience all the embarrassment and pain in the world.

Ryan, sitting

agreement due in a few days?”

“Ryan, shut up!”

reprimanded him.

abroad with his girlfriend, only to discover her fickle heart. His affection for her had dwindled, leading him to break up with her

just returned from his trip the previous night and learned about the recent string of events, including Maja.

the previous night till now, Ryan’s mind was in turmoil. He also learned that his grandfather was missing and that his cousin lan might lose his position as CEO of Raymond

an incoming storm,

no choice but to join his mother to see what was happening, only

about his relationship with his cousin, Ryan felt uncomfortable, hence his unintentional interruption.

sided with Dennis.

uncomfortable after being reprimanded, worried about lan.

off if lan could no longer remain as CEO

his mother and cousin had a good relationship since she raised him. But at that

He wanted to leave but was also curious about what would

at him sternly as she advised him, “If you continue to make a fuss, you can leave. You only know how to flirt with women all day. After this, it would be best for you to gain some experience

him and Pearson

side as he could do

lan to step down from his

prime suspect. We have applied to the relevant departments to investigate this matter, especially you. You also understand your grandfather’s status in society, if his disappearance is related to you, no

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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